Septiplier Chapter 1

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 BRRRIIIIINNG!!!!*mark wakes up and yawns* "stupid alarm clock." Mark said , as he turned off his alarm clock. *Mark walked to the bathroom to use the shower* Just Then, his Phone Rang.. O_o "What Time Is It?" questioned mark *he stared at the time* "8:00 AM ?!" he quickly answered the phone only to realize that it was the principal of the school he went to. "Mr. Fischbach why are you late for School?!" said The principal "UH....I JUST WOKE UP..." O_O "AM I LATE?" Mark asked hoping to sound like he was innocent. "WHY ELSE WOULD THE SCHOOL CALL YOU?!" He had a good point... " uh I'll get there as fast as I can :/ " *mark quickly got dressed in his favorite Markiplier t-shirt and ran downstairs almost crashing into a wall*. "I'm only 20 minutes late." * he quickly gobbled breakfast and ran out the door * .* when he got to school it was lunch time so he quickly got a late slip and headed into the lunch room* , only to reveal that his friends' table was full. *Mark quickly looked around for a place to eat at and noticed an open table*. Just one person was sitting at the table his name was Sean McLoughlin, the new kid from the day before. * Mark sat down at the table** Sean quickly looked up , startled * , no one had ever sat with him at lunch before. " I, if ye want to find the cool kids table its over there" * Sean pointed at the table where Felix and Ken was sitting * " uh i'm not looking for that table. "Could i sit here?"Mark Said *Sean shrugged* "i guess.." *Mark began eating his sandwich and tried thinking of a conversation to start*.Sean knew that mark usually sat with felix and ken and also wade. "So uh..why are ye at this table ... why are ye not over at that one? :/" Sean Asked. Mark wanted Sean to feel better about himself. " Hey...Sean is it ? " Mark asked eager to start a conversation. " * Sean couldn't believe the one and only Markiplier knew his actual name * " Err...Call Me Jack.."

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