first anouncment

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Hey Gems I know haven't updated and I hate that I've done this to u guys but alto has been happening and with my anxiety I just can't find the time or correct set of mind to update my book. In doing school and alot more I really can't delve into right now. I promise I will try to update when I can but I can not garente anything.  I really love to write,read, and just conversate with people here and love that u guys are so understanding with the fact that I can't update and am really busy. It might sound like in just saying this but I honestly mean it. Thank you all I love every single one of you. One thing tho before I go i have to ask u all something recently I have written a chapter of a story I have been working on and developing in my head for years for a school thing. And I wanted to know if u all would like to have me post the first chapter for u guys to read.please let me know.

Bye my Lil gems


Must Read Announcements!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt