A girl named Erica

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It is 5:30 in the morning and I really don't feel like getting up. I'd rather lay here and catch up on sleep that school is taking from me. Or I could get up and get ready and NOT be late for the bus for the 2nd time this week. I really do hate school. No like really I do. I come from a single parent home of 5. Yes 5! I don't know why my parents keep having kids and then breaking up and getting back together. Remind myself everyday to not have a kid with someone I don't see a future with. But with 5 kids means that money is split very poor among the kids meaning that I don't get what I need until the rest of the kids get their stuff. Going back to why I hate school. I don't get to go shopping for clothes but every blue moon so I repeat my clothes. A lot of people talk bad about me because of what I wear. Whenever I express this to my mom she says she is doing the best she can and then I feel bad for telling her. Well anyway back to reality. I'm up now and about to take my shower and get ready for school.

I'm out the shower, makeup done, cereal eaten and shoes tied ready to leave. My bus driver is always so late and we always get to school late. I hate standing there for 30 minutes waiting on her and I REALLY hate the days it rain and she's late because we are all soaked and she doesn't even apologize. All she does is tell us how much she hates our bus route and wish she had another one. Way to start off a morning huh? Prick! I don't know why I get here early and stand here knowing she isn't ever going to be on time.

Well she is finally here 30 minutes late like always. On the bus and on the way to school we go! The bus ride is long so I make sure to never leave my headphones home. They are really the only thing that keeps my day going. If I don't have my headphones I'm such a bitch. Because then that means I have to listen to 10 different conversations I'd rather not be hearing about. Although, the last time I didn't have them I learned Cindy from Spanish had herpes.. They say that cat ain't the same no more LOL!

Well we are finally at school.. The dungeon itself.. I hope Brittany is here. I forgot to tell you guys about Brit! That girl is my lifeline, my other half, my best friend, my sister! I love that girl and will do anything for her. I'm at her house most of the time so I'm not at the hellhole I call my own home. We have been friends since the 6th grade and we are now in 11th. Phewww time really flies! We really depend on each other to be at school because we are each others only friends. No like literally. We have no other friends and we accept that because we have each other. Brittany is the crazy outgoing risky friend while I am the more precautious friend so you may say.

Anyways back to school, she is here THANK GOD!! I really don't like the cafeteria because you basically have to walk by the whole school before you get to the line. Meaning I get all these stares because i have ugly clothes. And she likes to sit in the very front meaning i have to walk by people and get laughed at or get stares on my way by them. My worst bully is Josh Quinn. He is the quarterback for our schools varsity football team. He always gets everyone to laugh at me and he isn't even a bit funny. Maybe its because he's cute. Cute people get whatever they want.

Currently walking through the door and guess who is waiting and smiling. Josh Quinn. Another fucking prick waiting to mess up my morning. I walk by and he says "Good morning Teletubby" with a grin. I ignored him and walked off. Hearing laughs behind me. Finally at the table with Brit.

"Hey girl hey" I told her and she laughed and said "Hey girl, you did Browns homework?" You know how I said I'm the precautious friend. Well I'm also the life saver friend. She never finishes her work. Well, she never starts it to finish. Thank God we have every core class together or I don't know how she would be passing. "Yes girl I have the work. Why don't you ever do Brown's work? You know she doesn't care whether we are her favorites or not." "Erica you know I have track. By the time I get home I'm sore and exhausted and homework is not on my mind." "You can explain to me all you want I'm not the only grading your papers!" She copies just in time for first period, Mrs. Brown!

Quick 411 on Mrs. Brown. Me and Brits favorite teacher! She treats us like we actually exist and have feelings. We eat lunch in her room sometimes and she orders us pizza. Like no forreal this lady is bomb! Everybody loves Mrs. Brown but DO NOT get her mad. Because you will be on her hit list!

*First period late bell rings and Mrs. Brown begins talking* " Pass your homework to the front and get started on bellwork!" Bellwork is most of our grade because she knows not everyone is good at tests but don't let her get mad because she will hand one out in a minute! *15 minutes later* "Alright you guys bellwork time is over. I will be collecting notebooks by the end of this week so make sure you have all the bellwork written out. This week I have assigned you partners on a two week long project. I want you and your partner to BOTH do equal amounts of work. I have not assigned a hard project so it should be easy. The real task is how you and your partner manage in these two weeks. If you can do well with one another, do the work accurately, and not bother me for two weeks you get an A! The minute you come to me with a problem amongst the two of you I'm failing the both of you. No questions asked." The class goes to laughing!

Well I already know Mrs. Brown is going to pair me with Brit so I'm not worried about working with any of these other pricks! *Mrs. Brown goes to call everyone's partner and gets to me* "Erica Lewis and Josh Quinn" Immediately everyone looks at me including Isabella! Josh's girlfriend.. This cannot be happening. I just know she is playing.. *Josh makes an outburst* "Might as well go ahead and give me my zero now because I'm not working with that stank ass Teletubby!" Out of nowhere Brit says "Only thing I heard stank is your dick! Isn't that right Izzy?" Isabella got real hot in the face because she told her best friend Ruby that in confidence not knowing Brit was even standing there. *Josh gets mad* "Listen here you dumbass Bi-" *Mrs. Brown jumps in* "No really do you guys want the zeros now? Because I'll be more than glad to do that for you!" Everybody got quiet. I'm still here wondering why she did this. Everybody hates their partners. I know she is testing us but I don't know and quite frankly I don't care to find out. This has to be a joke! .....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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