New school

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I walk into the new school and use the map, that I printed out last night, to find my first class. I walk into the room and don't see anyone there.
"Take a seat anywhere." A voice says from behind a desk. I walk to the second table by the windows. I take the seat by th window. I take out my book and start reading where I left off.

The morning classes were boring. I paid for lunch when someone came up from behind me.
I turn and see Mack, the friend I left behind.
"Hi Mack. How are you?"
"Alright. Wanna sit with us?"
"Sure." I follow him to a table that only has three other people at it.
We sit down next to each other.
"Mack, who's this?" A blonde girl with blue eyes and freckles.
"Guys this is Cristina. Christia this is Marcy." He nods to the girl. "David." He nods to the boy with black hair that has green eyes and is sitting right across from him.
"And that's Harry." He nods to the other boy who has short brown hair and brown eyes.
"Hi. How long have you. Been here, Mack?"
"Two years."
"Anything cool to do in this town?"
"The beach." David
"That's it?"
"Pretty much."
"It's a small town." Mack
"How small?"
"About six hundred people."
"Well dang. So there's no movie theater."
"There is but the food sucks and the movies aren't that great either."
"So a mall is out of the question."
"There's one ten towns over. It's a long drive and nobody goes up there." Marcy
"Why not?"
"It's not the new town to be in even if you're passing through."
"What's wrong with it?"
"People go there and never return." David
"Sounds like a good movie."
"You would know." Mack
"Yeah. I guess."
"Don't look now but you have the Cullens and the tans looking at you, Christina." Marcy
"They can look all they want and you can call me Chris."
"Chrissy! My girl!" Jack sits down next to me. He's Mack's brother.
"Hi Jack."
"How are you?"
"Fine. You been causing trouble?"
"Always. So what were you talking about?"
"Chris has some fans." Marcy
"Oh yeah? Who?"
"The Cullens and the tan boys." Mack
"Well they can look all they want cause she's mine." Jack puts his arm around my shoulders.
I push his arm off me. "In your dreams."
"My dreams are very vivid." He winks.
"What do you want? A cookie?"
"Go get one."
"You go get me one."
"No. I'm not your slave."
"I never said you were."

School has ended and I'm at my locker. I close my locker door and see a girl looking at me.
"Hi!" She has short brown hair, pale, and crimson eyes.
"I'm Alice and you're Christina." She smiles.
"News gets around fast in school."
"Yes. I just wanted to let you know that if you need anything to let me know."
"I'll see you around?"
"Sure." I walk out of the school and head to my car. But before I could get to my car, a boy with short brown, spiky hair walks up to me.
"Christina, right?"
"Yeah and you are?"
"Jacob but you can call me Jake."
"What can I help you with?"
"Since you're new and don't know anybody I thought you'd like to come to the beach tonight. We're having a bon fire."
"A beach, bon fire, and lots of thanks."
"You'll have fun."
"That's your idea of fun. I'd rather eat popcorn and watch people die but thanks for the offer." I walk past him and to my car. I get in and drive home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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