Reader Guide

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(you can skip this chapter if you want)

Alright then, lets get going shall we?

Ok, first things first. Check back on this chapter frequently to see who is lined up next. Also I'd like to inform you all this wont be a constant updater. I have several regular stories I'm writing and this will help me fix writer's block. Now don't get me wrong I WILL do my best to keep it frequent for you all and try my best to not keep you waiting to long ok?

Now onto other important stuff.
1) There will be a list at the end of this chapter of what is being written/has been requested. (Specific characters can have more than one request at a time.)
2) You can ask for group chapters(ie nordics, axis, allies etc.); as well as character x character chapters instead of a group or character x reader chapter.
3) The chapters will be done in order of how I get requests. So if you request England after someone who requests France, France's story will be completed first. The progress/accepted list below will be listed with who will be done first and will be marked as 'in progress' or just be listed, meaning that it has been requested.
4) I will keep them a decent length, nothing under one page(I will try to make them around two pages as a minimum) but also nothing extremely long either.
5) Please do comment with any questions you have, I don't mind at all!
6) I do do the 2P characters as well, and pretty much any other alternate if you want. You can ask for them to act a specific way to if you want, like you could ask for a SadFrancXReader.
7) I write them as humans AND as countries. It just depends on the request and or plot I think of.(you can request either specifically or leave it up to me)

Requests are Currently: Open (DON'T request if it says closed please.)

Characters that have a chapter in progress/has an excepted request:
Daddy2PCanadaXDaughterReader; in progress, BigBrotherNorwayXChildReader,  BigBrotherNorwayXChildReader, BTT-Helium, FACE Family, MommyReadXLittleBTT, DaddyReaderXLittleEngland

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