{ ~ J u s t ☣ D a n c e ~ }

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"Dude! C'mon and dance!" My best friend Alfred yelled over the loud bass of the music, his cowlick bounced slightly through his every movement.
I shook my head, a blush rising to my cheeks. "I'm fine Alfred, I don't dance." Was all I replied before heading to a corner. In all honesty, I loved to dance, I just didn't feel like humiliating myself on the dance floor, which Alfred was currently on, looking at me longingly. He wished I would just come and dance with him, let loose for once.
I watched as girls waltzed over to him and started to grind on him. He looked at them in disgust and pushed them away. I read his lips, which as the words left his perfect lips, it said "Slut."

I giggled knowing what he said. He looked over and caught my smile. He smiled too knowing he made me laugh. All he wanted was to see me smile more but he knew what I thought about myself, so I never really smiled because of it.
Yeah, he admitted I was a little pudgy, it was just more to love, right? He didn't go for skin and bones, he liked girls with a little meat.
We had not confessed to each other before, and since we were too shy to tell each other, it wasn't going to come out anytime soon.

Suddenly, a man approached me, he was tall, had blond hair, some stubble, and a French accent, he giggled like a schoolgirl as he approached me. "(Y/N) is it?" He kissed my hand "I am Francis Bonneyfoy, my my my, aren't you just a beautiful little rose." I was flattered, a blush crept up on my cheeks. I had a weird feeling though. Francis cleared his throat and said "I would like to ask you, would you mind going on a date with me?"

This was the first time someone had asked me! "S-Sure!" I said, happiness pulsing through me. Suddenly, he busted out laughing "Would you really think I would ask you out?! Mrs. piggy? I now get fifty bucks! Hell yea!"
Tears welled up in my brown eyes "D-Douche!" I screamed.
Alfred heard my scream and saw the Frenchman laughing. Anger boiled through him as he walked up to the man, tapped his shoulder and when he turned around, punched him square in the face. "Teach him how to talk to a lady..." He murmured.

"A-Alfred..." I whimpered. I flew into his arms and sobbed, this was the worst night ever! Alfred stroked my hair and cooed into my ear "(N/Y) you are beautiful. Don't pay attention to those other guys I love you just the way you are. You're perfect to me so please don't cry. It's not a good look for you."

I looked up, wiping tears away "R-Really?" Alfred kissed me with such passion I thought my heart was about to explode from happiness. He pulled away and nodded.
"Oh Alfred!" I said "I love you too!" I hugged him tightly for about five minutes before he pulled away.
"Now, how about that dance?"
"I would love to~"


{ ~ J u s t ☣ D a n c e ~ } - America x Chubby!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now