The Woman in the Blue Dress Part 1

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The Woman in the Blue Dress

By Damian C Sanders

Fredrick and Kevin had been inseparable through many sad adventures. When Fredrick's tear filled father sat down and explained to the boy that mom wasn't ever coming home because she was gunned down at a bus top, Kevin was the first to console him. And when Kevin found his father resting lifeless on the couch with a needle in his arm, Fredrick's friendship and warmth kept Kevin alive.

The boys were an unlikely pair. Kevin's short legs were uneven and wide, and his left knee pointed outward. His walk was more of a shuffle combined with a slide because his feet were too small; his left foot barely left the ground as he moved. His belly was like a balloon, a layer of fat folding over his belt and stressing the buttons of his shirts. He leaned to the side when standing, as if the weight of his head corrupted the balance of his body.

But, what Kevin lacked in looks, he profited in intellect. He was the first to raise his hand when teachers asked questions, an unstoppable force in math and history classes. He could sit for hours in a library, eyes drinking the words of Baldwin and Shakespeare and Souljah and King. He loved chess; his strategic mind was a gift that earned him trophies and awards. While most of his classmates teased him, Fredrick was there, fist pumping and cheering like a best friend should.

Long legged and blessed with smooth skin and lean muscle, Fredrick spent his time on the basketball courts or courting girls. He was like a predator. Smooth talking and full of charisma with green eyes set above a perfectly thin nose. His lips weren't too full and his teeth were white as snow. A copper skinned maestro on the basketball court, Fredrick could ball. Too bad he wasn't interested in his studies; Fredrick had the talent to play college basketball.

Fredrick's shortcomings in the classroom pushed him toward community college, and Kevin went alongside him, because his family struggled financially. The two friends met at the bus stop every morning and caught the nine and rode to Seattle Central Community College. After classes were over, they rode the bus back to the neighborhood and went to work at one of the ghetto's favorite joints. Herb's Chowder House.

"Man, I'm glad this week is over. That literature test kicked my ass." Fredrick folded his arms behind his head, stretched his legs and rested against the back wall of the bus. He smelled the aroma of burning diesel as the engine growled and the bus slowly accelerated down the street. "The fuck do I care about some book written in 1917?"

"The book, was written in 1915."

"Man, shut the fuck up." Fredrick kicked his friend's shin. "My point is who the hell cares?

"Well, we can understand the present by studying the past. Learn from it, make ourselves better, you know?"

"I hear that, but that book, Herland? That was some science fiction shit for real. What I'm supposed to learn from that?"

"Lots of stuff! Think about the themes in that book. It took on gender roles and individuality and education. Oh, and motherhood! Read it again, you'll see what I am talking about." Kevin leaned forward in his seat, his hands cut the air as he spoke.

"Fuck no! That book is a waste of time. I'd rather be making money at Graham Hill. Kevin, I'm losing money fucking around with these classes. I need to be on the courts hustling up basketball games. Man, I'm not sure how much more of this school stuff I can take."

"You can do it."

"I'm not built like you, bro. You're the smartest niggah I know. All brains and no brawn. You'll be mayor of Seattle or run some big company, some day. Me, I'll be stuck shift managing at Herb's for the rest of my life. Chasing crackheads out of the parking lot and shit."

"No I don't think so. You have too much talent. I see you leaving Herb's one day for a lucrative position at McDonald's." Kevin ducked the playful punch his friend through his way.

"Fuck you. But one thing I did like about that book though. Honey's everywhere. Imagine what I could do as the first man to discover an island full of girls."

"It would be nice."

"It would be nice? I'd trade that heaven for this hell any day." Fredrick grabbed his bag and made his way to the backdoor, Kevin followed. They had finally reached their stop, just two blocks from work.


Thanks for reading part one.

twitter dcanders92


If you cant wait for part two of this story, you can find it for $.99 on Amazon Kindle

you can also find my book, Bike Life on Amazon as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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