The purrfect day

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It was a quiet day in the manor for once. Ciel was busy at his desk working on the mountain of paperwork he had been neglecting to do for about a week. He and Sebastian had been enjoying there newfound love for each other and lets just say that Ciel had been rather distracted lately. Ciel had been busy at work all morning when he finally put his pen down and rested his head on the desk. He sighed and closed his eye's he had a headache and wanted to take a break. "Sebastian!" He yelled out and waited for Sebastian to show up.

He lifted his head up and looked around wondering where Sebastian was. Sebastian always showed up when he called for him...where was he? Ciel stood up, rubbing his temples. He walked out of his office and down the hall "Sebastian?" He yelled out again. 'Where is this damn demon" Ciel wondered. Ciel ran into Finny as he was on his way out to the garden.

"Oh hello young master." Finny said, looking down at Ciel and hugging Ciel quickly.

"Hello...." Ciel hugged back and looked up at Finny "Do you know where Sebastian is?"

Finny nodded quickly "I saw him go into his room awhile ago."

Ciel smirked slightly "Is that so....thank you Finny." He quickly turns around and heads in the direction of Sebastian's room. He slowly walks up to Sebastian's room and puts his ear to the door trying to hear what was going on inside. He heard what sounded like a meow. Ciel frowned and quickly opened the door. "Sebastian what are you doing!?"

Sebastian was laying on his bed, cats walking all over him. All the cats hissed at Ciel and jumped off the bed. Sebastian sat up "M'lord!"

Ciel sneezed and backed away "How dare you... A-aacho!" Ciel covers his mouth as he sneezes again. He glares at Sebastian "You and these damned cats..Achoo!"

Sebastian stands up and goes over to Ciel "Im sorry...i thought you would be busy with your paperwork.."

Ciel backs away from Sebastian "You have cat hair...A-achoo! A-all over you!"

Sebastian sighs and looks down at his clothes which were covered in fur. "I suppose i am."

Ciel glares at Sebastian, balling up his fist. "What are you doing with these cats!!? Why are you in here, i was calling for you!"

Sebastian looks at Ciel surprised "You were, for what?"

"What does it matter!? You weren't there because of these cats!" Ciel yells clearly upset. "Are you jealous?" Sebastian smirks.

"Of some cats!?" Ciel looks way, biting his lip. Was he jealous of them? Surly not of a few cats. He looked back at Sebastian and saw a cat running across the room he sneezes again and puts his hands over his face. Damn it he was jealous of them these damned cats that keeps taking Sebastian's attention away from him..he hated them.

Sebastian moves closer to Ciel ignoring the fact that he was covered in fur. He grabs Ciel's hands, moving them away from Ciel's face. "Why be so jealous over a few cats?"

The purrfect day.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora