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Picture of Damian

"Mom, I like our old house way better than this place." I said louder than I meant to, a hint of annoyance in my voice. "Diamo-, I meant Damian, I know you'd actually like it here if you actually gave it a chance. Do you really expect us to go back to live with Amy?" She gave me a pleading look as I rolled my eyes. "Fine! I love you too much to not try." The pleading look on her face disappears as a smile from ear to ear appears upon his mothers face.

"We are a bit early, I'm going to go to McDonald's until we are supposed to be here for the appointment. Want to listen to music on the way?" She asks while handing me an auxiliary cord. I quickly nod hooking up the aux cord to my phone. I look up after hitting play on my favorite song by Melanie Martinez, Ms. Potato Head. I start singing and as I do, I see a tall figure standing by the front door of the house, wearing a skin tight leather black suit. 'Kinky' I think to myself as a white woman with wavy, strawberry-blonde hair moves towards him, and a blonde haired girl who had beautiful hair sat on the steps.

I lightly shook my mom, pointing to the front door asking if she saw the people who were standing at the door frame. "What people, darling?" I shake my head, "never mind, mom. I guess I'm just tired from the car ride." She nods, and gets back to texting her best friend.

I close my eyes, trying to go to sleep. I slowly feel myself drifting away. I feel my lips turning into a light smile. I always loved dreaming. I could free myself from whatever restraints I had, slowly drifting me further and further into darkness, and I could be happy. Happier than I ever could when I was awake. I could do whatever I wanted, free of effects because nobody knew what I did but me. It was always nice.

This time, it wasn't that way, though. It was different. It was a nightmare. The faces of the people by the front door, their faces becoming scarier by the second. The skin starts to melt off their faces. I yell the only thing that could come to mind, "Stop!"

Everything goes back to normal, their faces looking at me, with kindness in their eyes, along with confusion. "You- you aren't scared?" the girl with beautiful long hair asks. I shake my head no, responding with, "no, I'm not. Why would I be scared? You're just a dream."

I flutter my eyes open to see my mom still on her phone, eating an apple. "How long did I sleep?" startling mom. "About 10 minutes, and I was about to wake you up. It's time to look at the house," she says unbuckling her seatbelt. I start unbuckling my seatbelt, hopping out of the car.

I stretch and see the same people I did earlier, followed by a few more people, an old woman with red hair, a white woman dressed in ancient clothing, and a man in a bloody doctors uniform. I try and squeeze my eyes shut to try and make them disappear, but to no avail. They sit there and don't go away as we walk towards the house.

I don't let it freak me out, however. I may still be dreaming. As I walk past them into the house, they follow us. My eyes follow their moves, and don't stop until I see more people in the house, followed by the house realtor, Marcy.

Marcy welcomes us, walking behind us, closing the door on the people who were following us. I sigh loudly, relieved that the people who were following us were gone, though I spoke too soon. They walked straight through the door, and before I could react, Marcy starts telling us information about the house.

"This house is a classic LA Victorian, built in the 1920's by a doctor to the stars. As you can see, it is just fabulous. Yes, these are real Tiffany fixtures. The house has been updated by the previous owners." She says while walking around the house slowly. As she's about to start back up talking about the house and it's history, mom interrupts her asking what happened to the owners. Marcy looks to ground and looks back up, nervousness obvious. "They passed away... On the property. The wife died during childbirth, and the husband in his grief killed himself. He hung himself from the second story balcony. Like Romeo and Juliet, you could say." I look at her and ask what they looked like. She said, "Ben, the husband, had dark hair, was a bit tall and had just the most perfect teeth. Vivian, the wife had faded red hair, a perfect smile as well and had a killer body."

My mom asked if we could have some time to discuss if we would like to go on with the tour or not. Marcy said that she was fine with it and to let her know if they wanted to or not. "Do you still want to go on the tour knowing that someone died in here?" "Yes, mom, it's not like they're ghosts. It's just souls that have been removed from their bodies. It's nothing to be scared of, ma" she nodded and looked at Marcy.

"Still want to continue the tour?" Mom answered with a yes and I asked if I could look around by myself.

They responded yes at the same time and I wondered onto the second floor to see only the young teenage girl following me now.

"Hey, I'm Damian." I say as I reach my right hand out. Her face goes pale suddenly, as if she's seen a ghost. "You're talking to me? You can see me." I nod as she slowly gets the words out. "Yeah, I can see you, why would I not be able to see you?" I ask as I raise my eyebrow. "Never mind, anyways, I'm Violet." She says, revealing a beautiful smile. "Nice to meet you, Violet."
So, that was my first Chapter! I worked really hard on it and I promise it will get better As it progresses, but I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter as much as I enjoyed making it. Please vote and comment if you liked it.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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