Identity Revealed

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Is this Starlight Ahgase?
Received 10:00am

Yes. Who's this?
Sent 10:04am

This is the person who is holding your I.D. right now.
Received 10:10am

What? Ohmygod. How did you get that? Did you stole that from me?
Sent 10:11am

Wait. You removed that from my neck while I was walking down the hallway!
Sent 10:11am

What the fudge~ Give that back you I.D Thief!!
Sent 10:12am

Wait.. wait, It's not what you think. How would I even do that? Am I some kind of a ninja or something?
Received 10:03am

Who knows? Arrgghh whatever! Give it back or I'll rip your eyeballs off your head ><
Sent 10:04am

Sent 10:04am

Answer me!!!
Sent 10:04am

Heeeyyy!! Give that back you creep~ stealing people's I.Ds aarrgghh
Sent 10:04am

Wait. How do you even managed to type those messages in 1second? Check out the interval.
Received 10:05am

Whatever. Just give me my I.D back or I'll burn your house to the ground and bury you alive. ><
Sent 10:06am

Oh, yeah? How will you do that if you don't even know my name?
Received 10:07am

I don't care what your name is Mr. Thief~ just give me back my I.D will ya?
Sent 10:08am

Go get it Potato.
Received 10:08

What the.. you don't call me potato!! ><
Sent 10:08

Sent 10:09

Just give it back already!!~ ㅠㅅㅠ
Sent 10:09

Aaaarrrggghhh I will sure be dead if it's not summer break ㅠㅅㅠ We need our I.D to enter our school and do stuffs like borrowing books from the library. This is sooo irritating~ I hate that guy!! I hate that this is happening right now ><
I'll just text Army to tell her all of this.
P.S: She's my bestfriend and yes, she's a girl. She just have a weird name heheh

Identity RevealedWhere stories live. Discover now