Big Red Monster

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After school, I jumped off the yellow school bus and raced my brother home. I couldn't wait to go see the "Big Red Monster" sitting in grandpa's garage..

"The racecar is almost ready" stated Papa.

My granddad and my uncle were sitting at the table enjoying a cup of coffee, as I raced off to change my clothes. I ran out the front door and headed to the garage, as they followed me. As I turned the corner, I saw the scary monster looking at me, but it was different somehow. The sun was gleaming off the newly painted red monster and I noticed the number thirteen.

I heard my grandpa say, "I think it's ready to test, but first we must put the tires back on."

The air compressor began running, while the impact wrench whined with each tire my uncle mounted.

Suddenly, My grandpa asked," Would you like to help push the race car into the street?"

"Yes!" I shouted with excitement!

For months, I watched as they built this racecar from four tires and a large car frame. My heart began to race, once he fired up the engine to the racecar. The loud rumbling of the motor was intense and overwhelming, each time he pressed the accelerator. The exhaust fumes and sound was overwhelming for me, but I couldn't move. The monster was finally coming to life, yet it was a little scary.

My uncle shut off the racecar and we pushed it to the end the long rocky driveway. The nose of the racecar was pointed towards dead end of our street. My uncle fire up the big red monster once again, after he had adjusted his helmet and buckled his seat belt. Finally, he gave us the signal and we began push the monster once again. I held on to the bumper, as the loud rumbling of the motor frightened me. I began clutching the bumper of the racecar, until my knuckles turned white.

My grandpa screamed," Let go!"

I froze in fear! The monster began rolling faster, while I held the bumper tighter. The monster roar became intense, as my heart began pounding in my chest.

My feet flew off of the ground and I held on for dear life. I heard everyone shouting and screaming to “Stop!”

The ground rapidly flew by me, as I began to cry and become extremely frightened. Suddenly, the monster stopped and I immediately let go and hit the road. After I stopped rolling, I found myself lying in the ditch. My granddad raced over to see if I was okay, but I could see the fear in his eyes. Soon, everyone knew I was okay, but I had a road rash from head to toe.

They fiddled over me, for awhile then they went back to the red monster. They began pushing it back to the garage, as I climbed in the car and positioned myself on my uncle's lap. The pushed the big red monster into the garage, while my affection grew stronger. I began begging my grandpa, to let me see monster come alive on the local race track.

Papa reluctantly answered, "Yes, you can go with us tomorrow."

I was so excited, I quickly ran it the house announcing, "I am going racing with Papa!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2013 ⏰

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