The beauty of Mullingar

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Hello, lads. So you've decided to learn some more about Mullingar? Nice. I appreciate that. Really do. Firstly, to introduce myself:

Well, I won't say my name, but call me J. I'm xx years old and just moved to Surrey to be close to my boyfriend. I'm a mixed chick; my Mum's from Weymouth in England and my Dad's a true Irishman from Dublin. I have to say, I do not know that much about Weymouth, I've only visited it a couple of times yet, but it's really beautiful and I can be proud of where I come from. Both are amazing countries, no doubt! But there is this one thing about Ireland, which kind of attracts me. I don't quite know what it is, but it feels like a very strong connection.

How can you just not love the green grass, the sheep, the late nights spent in the pub, the cold and rainy weather and the good laughs with us Irish pals? We are proud of our heritage for good reason. Anywhere else people aren't. I find that kind of sad. Everyone should be as proud as us. Or at least half as proud.

So, as you could have already guessed, this short 'book' is about Mullingar. Most of you are probably gonna wonder why a girl living in Surrey writes a book about Mullingar. I'm going to tell you some short story:

As you already know, my Dad is a Dubliner - just like I am, and all my future-kids will be ( even though they won't have an Irish accent. Me neither. ). He was born in 1953 in Jervis Street Hospital in Dublin. When he reached the age of 3, his parents have bought a house in Multyfarnham, which is a part of Mullingar. At first, they went there mainly for holiday, but a few years later, his Dad had lost his job in Dublin and nothing else had remained but to leave and move to Mullingar permanently.

After I was born about 30 to 40 years later, the whole story kind of repeated. My parents and I moved to Mullingar after my first birthday. I lived there til the age of 17, when I've decided to discover my actual hometown Dublin a little more. So I had got to live there for one year on my own, before I decided to go to university.

So, yeah. I used to live in Sussex until December 2013 and I've been liking it a lot, now I've freshly moved to Surrey and I love it even more. Not only because of my boyfriend. I know I'll never go back home. I liked Sussex, it's nice and with it's many castles it's a lot more elegant than Mullingar. And Surrey is even more beautiful. It seems kind of cosy and warm to me, I can't describe it really. But still, besides all of the beauties of Surrey and Sussex, Mullingar is home. My home. It always was, and always will be.

And to speak about Mr Niall Horan; it does make me unbelievably proud that he is such a true and kind Mullingarian as everyone else from around this place and represents us in the best possible way!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2014 ⏰

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