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"Ready to go, Dan?" Phil calls from by the door, having just finished tying up the shoelaces of his vans.

"Yeah, ready as I'll ever be, at least!" Dan yells over his shoulder, grabbing his phone and slipping it into his back pocket quickly. He should have everything. He walks out of his room and joins Phil, and they both depart out the door together.

London air is soon felt against both of the boys' faces, mid November hitting them full force leaving them with red-tinted noses and cheeks.

"Is Louise picking us up?" Phil asks Dan, not quite remembering himself.

"Mhm, technically," Dan hums in confirmation, letting Phil and himself fall into a comfortable silence as they wait for their companion.

"Whose party is it again?"

"Phil," Dan says, disapprovingly, shaking his head like a disappointed mother. Phil almost expects him to ground him.

"I'm sorry! You know how cluttered my mind gets, I'm just really forgetful!" Phil protests, trying to justify the fact he has no idea in the slightest where they're going.

Dan dimples. "Some small youtuber, Jodie Clark I think. Her EP came out today." the boy explains, looking towards the other's eyes avidly.

Phil tilts his head and Dan internally awes because he looks like a puppy, "How did we get invited?"

"Multiple ways, actually. First being, Chris is really good friends with Jodie, and he invited Peej, Soph, and us, then there's Lou, who Jodie met at Vidcon apparently. At the time, Dodie felt awkward talking to her but as the night went on they became more comfortable and are fairly good friends now. And, remember Emma-" he's interrupted.

"- the one who clued in on the Charlie drama?" Phil pipes up, curiously.

"Yeah, that's the one. But apparently she's put that behind her now and everyone deserves a second chance." Dan says in an indifferent tone. And Phil nods- of course he does. No one believes in forgiveness more then Phil, which is both a positive and negative thing. With him, second chances  turn into tenth chances at a rapid pace. "Also, apparently Evan Edinger has actually been trying to get in contact with us for a long time, and it's partly my fault we haven't answered, sorry. We just got back from tour and we had DAPGO and I didn't really want us to deal with social pressure and I assumed you wouldn't want to go on your own."

Phil smiles, "you're right." and Dan smiles back because Phil's smiles are infectious.

A limousine pulls up and the driver rolls down his window, "Ya boys go by the names Dan 'nd Phil by any chance?" he questions, his stern eyes almost seeming to narrow as he observes them. The two look at each other, puzzled, and then nod. "Get in, will ya? I don't got all day."

They open the door to the vehicle and step inside to find Louise, Chris, Pj, and Sophie all sat down, most with drinks of pop in hand. Chris and Louise are performing some sort of duet while Sophie wipes of the foam off Pj's nose (presumably from his can of rootbeer).

"Oh, look! Dan and Phil! Welcome, boys!" Louise says, sausage curls bouncing and blue eyes alight with excitement. They lean down to hug Louise, one at a time. Other greetings are exchanged between all the party (A chorus of "My sons!", "Lovebirds!", and a more regular, "Aw, my old chaps returned from the war" from Sophie) before Dan and Phil take a seat next to Louise. Dan ends up chatting away, his inner social butterfly coming out. It's almost like he's an unsocial caterpillar, metamorphosing as soon as he gets around people he's comfortable with, Phil notes. Right after Dan 'metamorphoses' he seems to instantly charm everyone. Phil takes pride in the fact Dan's always an open butterfly with him.

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