What Was The Purpose of My Existence?

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What was the purpose of my existence?

Is it to fulfill other people's dreams? Is it to please everybody that wanted me? Or is it just something that is incomprehensible to me? To them?

I mean, there are over 7,000,000,000 people and the numbers are growing every three seconds. Does that mean I am almost non-existent? Or is it just someone in some place wanted me to live and grow?

I had always thought about this, until the click-clock of my grandfather clock rang to alert me supper was ready.

After eating my dinner, I had climbed the stairs, opened my chambers, and fell into the void of my dreams.

It was a Monday, and it was hell.

Traffic made me almost late but I got there in time, and whew, was it frustrating to climb up the long stairway. I also need to get my things *ahem* from my locker, and of course, I needed my best friend to get it for me.

So, after I ordered her to get my stuff, I was surprised when I heard there was a transferee.

You cannot believe when he arrived.

My fellow classmates and schoolmates bustled and tripped when the bell rang, we were so excited to meet him.

Our teacher introduced him to us, and from that point onward, I had fallen in love.

You may think the loving someone in first sight isn't real, but when he sends you that lazy, warm smile. You know you have gotten a catch.

But then I noticed, she was also staring at him, and he, was staring at her.

Then, I realized, I had no chance.

The girl I was talking about was our beloved Top 2, with her straight hair, beautiful complexion, and that gorgeous smile, I knew I had no chance, but I always foolishly hoped he would notice me.

Then, Summer passed by, with kids playing under the glaring rays and people hanging out with their friends.

I saw their relationship grew and grew; like a plant nurtured everyday. I saw everything. Their dates, their flirts, and their loyalty to each other that I was consumed by disgust.

And one day, I asked him, "How much do you love her?", he responded, "As much as how many raindrops fall everyday.". From there on, my heart broke into pieces like shattered glass. I had always knew I had no chance.

I already knew.

After that incident, I supported both of them, to be happy and to be in love. I tried making them together but they won't budge.

Then another year has passed. People and places change. Like both of them. She had become unlikable, only her beauty and intelligence captured people in her web.
He had become despicable, dating sluts from who-knows-where, he also became cold and unforgiving.

I didn't forgive them.

Their love was supposed to be fate, destiny, but they still threw it away like it wasn't suppose to be that way.

A few days had passed since first day of school, and I was thoroughly disappointed of them.

As I was brooding, he unexpectedly came up to me and said, "Hey, I always knew you supported both of us, but we needed some space." And I responded with much vigor, "Why do you guys need some space!? You, you guys were meant to be! And you threw your love like your cigarette stub!".

But, I wasn't expecting an answer like this, "I don't know! She was the one who initiated it! She was the one who threw our love away!", and with that he had full out confessed everything to me.

"She, she said "I think we should need some space, ya know? We need a break to test our love and faithfulness." But when I was about to tell her the break was up, I found her sucking another man's face. I couldn't stand it, so I left."

"But, why didn't you tell her you saw her with another guy?"

"I will always, always stay loyal to her. Even if she isn't with me."

That moment made the both of us closer. We always hung out and talked about the development, but it was no use.

Then, *BAM*, he invited me to a business party with his parents as his 'fiancée', but then he showed me that genuine smile from the day we met, and I fell head over heels for him again.

"But what about your girlfriend? Shouldn't she be the one you'd be asking?"

"I think she's sucking another man's ace again." He recalled the memory with a disdain voice.

"...I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean to bring it up."

The day of the dinner party came, and I was choosing a dress for the occasion. Then, I noticed this beautiful champagne colored, one sleeved, and chiffon dress that fell down on my knees. I was searching some matching heels to go with it, but I decided to just wear a pair of beige colored, thick strapped, light stilettos.

He picked me up with his car, and I was glancing at his choice of attire; a black Armani no-nonsense suit, with Fendi tie, and black shoes. I didn't even know he has that much money.

But then I remembered I had to go as his Fiancée and I asked him, "Why do I have to go as your fake Fiancée?".

"I couldn't ask her out after all what she has done, so you were the next best thing."

"But why?"

"...I have something to confess, I am the heir of the company and my parents have been pushing me to get a girlfriend, and if I don't have one by today, I will be stuck in a loveless marriage."

"Oh. Wait, now I remember! Your last name is Akabana, right? Heir of the Akabana Corporations?" Sakura's eyes were gleaming with curiosity as she pieced everything.

"Yes, you are correct." Aki said with a small smirk on his face.

After that conversation, they were picked up by their driver; Tanaka with the black limousine.

As they arrived in front of their destination, they were guided by the lobby boy to where the event was held, and good lord, those doors were big!

"Excuse me Monsieur, but would you let me open these doors for you?" A waiter had asked them with soft but clear tone of voice.

"Shall we?" She asked him, tilting her head slightly towards the humongous doors.
"We shall."

Note: Hey guys! You may know that this story is based on my life and I would be honored if you would favorite and add it to your reading list. Be sure to follow me as well. Ciao!


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