#Chapter 1#

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#Chapter 1#

Maddy looked up at the sky, remembering the full moon that had adorned it the night before. She smiled sadly at the memory. It was a good memory, but it also reminded her of where she would have preferred to be during that full moon. It reminded her of the life she had lost.

Her home.

Her woods.

Her true pack.

Maddy shook her head crossly, shoving the depressing thoughts to the back of her mind. They would only make her teary eyed.

She scanned the forest for Jana's bright red hair. They had planned to meet here and she wasn't here yet. Maddy hoped she would get there soon. The sun was starting to set.

They were planning to go to a human village nearby, since Jana wanted to go see what a movie theater was like. This was strictly against wild pack rules and since Jana was pack leader now, she needed to set the example. So, it was pretty much the definition of forbidden.

Maddy frowned at the setting sun, starting to get worried.

Where was Jana?

Suddenly, Maddy's sensitive ears picked up a sound from the pack's camp that made her blood run cold and start running towards the pack.



Rhydian Morris sighed as he tuned out Mr. Jeffrey's obnoxious speeches. He wasn't usually this disconsolate two days after a full moon, but he couldn't help it. He once again felt truly alone.

Shannon and Tom helped as best they could, but it just wasn't the same.

He missed the other half of his pack.

The ones who understood the rush that came with the full moon.

The ones he could be his true self around.

His friends tried helping, to cheer him up, and on his good days it would work, but this wasn't one of those days.

It didn't help that what he had seen while using Eolas, the night before.

As usual he had looked for Maddy, but the second he had seen her, he knew something was wrong. He had watched, stunned, as her eyes had flashed yellow and she had bared her teeth, growling savagely at another wolf.

He didn't recognize the wolf from Jana's wild pack. Maddy changed into her wolf form quickly and circled the other wolf. Rhydian watched in alarm as they lunged for each other.

The image suddenly vanished and he cursed quietly to himself. It was much more difficult to use Eolas when you were miles away from the person you were looking for. Rhydian could only hold the images for a couple minutes.

He quickly concentrated again and looked for his mother. He found her standing protectively in front of Bryn, in wolf form, growling at another pair of wolves.

Rhydian wasn't able to concentrate enough to keep the image and it vanished as well. He tried for a couple more minutes, but it was useless.

He hadn't stopped worrying about it since then. What had been going on?

Rhydian had told Tom and Shannon about it and they shared his concern, but couldn't think of much to explain or help.

Rhydian took his usual short cut through the woods, still deep in thought. He knelt on the ground to use Eolas, but before he could connect to nature, he smelt it.

The scent of a Wolfblood.

He sniffed around and growled a warning. This was his territory now. He needed to protect it until he found Maddy again.

Rhydian could hear the Wolfblood coming directly towards him, which wasn't a good sign. He ducked behind a tree to wait. He held his breath, listening to the foot steps coming nearer and nearer, until they were only a few feet away.

He peeked from behind the tree and saw two slender figures, one smaller than the other. They seemed to be leaning on each other and the strangest thing was that he could have sworn he recognized their scents.

Rhydian sneaked up behind them.

"What do you think you're doing here?", he growled at them.

They swiveled around and he finally saw their faces clearly. Or at least one of their faces.

His mum's. Ceri.

Ceri grinned and extended an arm towards him. He ran straight into it and hugged her tightly.

"Mum, how are you? What are you doing here?", he asked.

"Rhydian we need help.", Ceri whispered, pulling away.

Rhydian was concerned to see a sad light had entered her eyes. He finally focused on the person beside her. He could already tell that something was wrong with her.

Her breathing was too heavy and she had been silent during Rhydian and Ceri's brief exchange. Ceri reached out and pushed the girl's untamed brown hair out of her face. Her face was pale and sweaty with blood staining her right cheek, her eyes half closed. She looked ready to collapse.

Rhydian couldn't speak as her brown eyes focused on him for a second. She gave him a weak smile.


It was Maddy.

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