01 | Broken Love

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Hello, Minna! It's Author-San here with another fanfic that was requested by xXNaruto_UzumakiXx at first, I was skeptical about writing one with little references from the manga, so I'll try my best to make everything have a connection! Alright, enjoys!
It was a few hours before the sunset and everyone stood above the boulder and rocks, to gaze upon it.
Obito kicked his legs forward and back, sitting on the edge of the cliff, waiting for Rin.

"I wonder if it's going to be just like the other ones." Obito wondered, "a normal sunset like always."

"Tonight maybe be the night, just before the season." Rin appeared, hanging from my side. "I'm sure of it." She said with such confidence.

Normally, I would stand back and read, as such expectation is too weary. "What's the point?" I asked, "even Sensei isn't here to watch."

"Hmm?" Rin scanned my face and sighed, "what does Sensei have to do with this?" She asked, "Sensei is with Kages."

"Look at Kakashi," Obito laughed, "he's in love, Rin."
"W-what?! No!"!Rin swung my arms, "you're in love with the 4th-"

"Shhhhh!" I dropped my porn magazine and covered her mouth with my hands, "that's not what I meant!" I rejected that idea, even though, there was a slight chance of truth.

"Kakashi, it's so obvious. At least to me." Obito teased, "don't worry, your secret is safe with me!" He said proudly.

"Yeah like I'm trusting you with anything." I sighed, "besides, the 4th has a wife remember? Why would I-"

"What about me?"

We all jumped suddenly as Minato startled us. He wore his usual flak jacket and wore that egotistical smile. "Were you talking behind my back?" He leaned in close to my face.

"Uuh, no!" I replied, "we were just talking-"

"Talking about why you're always busy!" Rin intruded, "and why you had to miss the sunset for the new season." She added.

"Don't worry, we would never betray Sensei like that." Obito stood up and smiled brightly.

As he was distracted, I sneakily grabbed my porn magazine. Just a little closer and-.

"Reading these again, are you?" Minato grabbed it as my finger had just touched it, "tsk, Kakashi, how old are you again?" He chuckled, "which is it this time, hmm?" His face lit up and he shook his head, "just don't let the elders see you reading these."

"S-sure." I agreed in embarrassment. "So are you going to watch the sunset with us?" I asked with low hopes, like before he would have to leave, or this body of his may not even be his, a shadow."

"Of course!" He grabbed all of us and wrapped us in his arms. "Let's watch it together."

"Uhhh, Sensei-" Obito struggled, "you can let go now." He was able to untangle himself from us and then Rin followed. Rin smirked and looked away as it was just Sensei, holding me.

"Um-!" I slipped away and hid my face, even though my mask had already done the job.

"Oh! Look!" Obito shot his arm up, "there it is!"

We all witnessed the sunset before the season. It's golden yellow hue with red, merging with the orange. Even the clouds escaped from the sky and it wouldn't have complemented the sunset anyway. Normally you would see slithers of navy blue, however this time you could see it like tiger claws in the sky.

"Beautiful." Rin was amazed by the multiple hues blending, "it's breathtaking."

"So it is." Minato agreed, struck in a daze as he looked up.

My eyes were glued to him, I couldn't look away from that expression of his. Minato, your blue eyes with the sunset is incommensurable, it was breathtaking.

"Oi, Kakashi, your face is red." Sensei tilted his head and glazed at my face.

Indeed, my face was burning.

"I think he has a cold, from waiting outside too long." Rin thought.

"Tsk, always reading those magazines outside, really gets to you huh?" Obito fist pumped Rin.

"Is that true?" Minato felt my forehead and pulled away. "Maybe you should go-"

"I'm fine,'I'm fine." I blurted, "I want to stay and watch."

"Just don't overdo it..." Sensei allowed me to stay and watch with the rest. He looked at me for awhile and then back at the sunset.

And I wish I hadn't not looked at him again. Making eye contact with him smiling, because that night as we all left. The village was under attack.

It wasn't the same elegant red during the sunset, it was more of a devilish one. The town in flames, blood, so much of it.

"Come on Kakashi!" Obito had rushed both me and Rin to a shelter with the rest of the villagers.

I couldn't move.

"Come on Kakashi!" Rin knew that my mind was occupied the moment we heard the warning bells. Minato had advised us to leave as he and his wife hurried off some place else.

"Sensei will be alright!" Rin kept pulling my arm and finally I snapped. I couldn't wait around for him, so I left myself.

"Kakashi!" Rin called out, "get back here!"

"Kakashi!" Obito shouted.

I'm sorry. I guess my feelings for Sensei, is different from what I had imagined. My heart ached with anxiety, this uncomfortable feeling in my chest.
Before I knew it, I came upon the Nine-tail beast itself, chained with golden locks, connected to the 4th's wife. A ritual alter, as a baby laid on the stone. "The child of Minato..."

Was he going to seal that beast in that child?!
A strong gust of wind kept me back from the view for a moment and then a I heard a loud snap and crack, the sound of liquid drooling.
I came back to witness something I wish I hadn't seen. Both Minato and Kushina laid cold on the ground. The baby that was crying loudly as they didn't wake up themselves.

I went up close and ran towards Sensei, "Oi, Sensei!" I called his name, "Minato!" He was able to respond slightly by opening his eyes.

H-he's alive! But, my hopes began drive away as he smiled at me. He opened his mouth to say something, but I couldn't hear it. By then his eyes gradually closed, forever hiding the window to his soul forever.

That day, my whole life had changed, within the few hours. My searing pain so unbearable. That my first love had died right before me.

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