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Hey there. As you probably know if you read the description (if you didn't, shame on you; that was a quality piece of literature), this is a story about Angelica Hamilton, the eldest daughter of Alexander and Eliza. Yes, she is a real historical figure, and yes, she really did lose her mind when Philip was killed. (I can't blame her, poor girl. I think we kind of all lost our minds when that happened.) Like I said in the description, very little is known about poor Angelica. Back in that time, mental disability was looked upon with revulsion by society. And while Angelica's family did love and care for her as best they could, it seems that they did not speak of her much to the public. I have been fascinated with Angelica Hamilton ever since I stumbled upon her tragic tale while doing research to fuel my growing Hamilton obsession. I wanted to bring her to light in the world of Hamilton fiction. Because so little is known about her, it is difficult to piece together her life, and therefore there may be some historical inaccuracies. Bear with me. But this is a work of fiction. I don't really know what to exactly call it? Historical fiction? It seems a little short for that. Fanfiction? Kind of? I don't know. But whatever it is, it follows the story of Angelica as pieced together by her sister Elizabeth (or Eliza) through a journal left behind at Angelica's death.
If you want to read up a bit on what exactly we know about poor Angelica, you can Google her. I'd recommend it, in fact. Also a quick note: don't confuse this pair of Angelica and Eliza with our own dearly beloved Schuyler sisters-they are the children of Alexander and Eliza, named after the original Angelica and Eliza because people never could seem to come up with any original names back then. (Poor Peggy seems to have been excluded. Again.)
Anyways, I'll stop rambling now and get to the story. You're probably sick of this foreword at this point.
I'll be attempting to update chapters when I can-please bear with me as my busy life and lack of motivation to get things done may get in the way with regular updates at times, along with writers block (the cursed bane of our existence).
I believe that's it! Now, go forth young (or not-so-young, I'm no one to judge) person! Get out of this foreword and start reading before I find anything else to write another 433 words about. Farewell!

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