Hard Times

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I know a few of us guessed Connie would be in a crash from the pictures of the Mercedes in front of the green screen...but now...now we've had it confirmed and I'm so so nervous. Deep down I feel quite certain Connie will be fine eventually because we've seen a snippet of season 31 doctors. It's whether they kill of Grace and what it will do to Connie and her relationship with Jacob, are they strong enough to get though a major tragedy or will the strain be to much for them.
So here's what I've imagined.
Hope you enjoy.
C.J xxx

"Thank you for this weekend mum." Smiled Grace.
With her eyes fixed on the road ahead Connie beamed. "Your very welcome sweetheart..." a warmth spread through her as she remembered to previous two days they'd spent together. "...we should do it more often...just me and you on a girly getaway."
"Really?" Asked Grace a little surprised.
"Sure...why not?" Wondered Connie.
"I just figured you'd what to do something that involved Jacob too...I'm not sure he's the spa type." Chuckled Grace.
Connie smiled at the thought of Jacob in a face mask. "Nope...I said I'd make time for the two of us and I meant it...why would you think Jacob would need to be there?"
"I know you've missed him these last two days...I heard you on the phone..." confessed Grace. "...both nights after I went to bed...you really like him don't you?"
Connie remained quiet for a second as she thought about her answer, not sure how to say what she needed to because a simple "yes" just didn't seem to cover it.
"I really like him Grace and I know this isn't what you wanted...but...he makes me happy...I want to be with him."
Sensing her mum's apprehension she tried to make it right. "It's okay you know..." offered Grace. "...I really am fine with the two of you being together...I'm sorry for making you choose."
"Thank you for saying that sweetie...but there's really no need to apologize..." Connie took her daughter's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "...it's all in the pa-" A heavy jolt cut off Connie's words, a loud bang echoed around the surrounding area.
A large four by four had pulled speeding from a junction, careening into the side of Connie's Mercedes. The car crumpled under the impact, the wheels screeching, rubber scraping on the tarmac as it spun around and around. Grace's screams rung in Connie's ears as she tried to brace them both against the shockwaves, their bodies thrown from side to side like rag dolls.
Crashing into the barriers barely slowed their momentum, the speed that the other car was traveling upon impact was to great. Time seemed to creep along, there was nothing she could do accept watch the edge of the steep embankment appeared and disappeared as the car spun, each time getting closer and closer. She could hear Grace's sobs and it broke her heart that she couldn't remove her daughter from this horrifying experience.
Then she felt it.
The drop.

To Be Continued.....

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