Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi everyone!!!!! This is my first story!!!! I want all of your opinions! Thanks!!! Hope you like the first chapter!!! Kisses! -Denise♥


     As I lick my dry lips, I think about what I'm about to do. I, Angie Bilker, am sitting in my bathroom, about to cut myself. I sit in the fluorescent pink bathroom, on the cold & hard ground pondering where to start, how to start, why to start. 

     I pick up the little paring knife I grabbed from the kitchen. Slit, slit, slit. I carve the word "FAT" into my left forearm for the time that my ex boyfriend, Max told me that I shouldn't wear skinny jeans, because I had a little bit of a butt. As I cry and think about how much I miss Max, I go onto the next cut.

     The sound of more slits ring through my ears. I've curved the word "DIE" into my right thigh, for the time that my friend told me that she wished I would die because I liked her ex boyfriend. I think about her and our friendship which just causes me to sob even harder. I hate myself. 

     I get up off the floor, get a towel to clean up the blood, and then go turn on the TV in the living room. The room is dark because I am the only one home. ABC Family pops up on the TV and The Game Plan is on. I think about how I used to watch this with my dad, before he left. Sometimes I miss him but other times I just want to rip his damn guts out for leaving my mother and I. 

      After watching The Game Plan for a while, I go to the kitchen to and get a snack. I wonder when my mom will get home. After getting a snack, I see a note on the table:

"Hi, sweetie! I'm going to work and am not sure what time I will be home! Dinner is in the crockpot on the counter and here is $20 to go out with your friends if you want! I love you! Text me when you see this! ---Mom♥♥"

    As I look at the clock, I notice that it's about 6:00pm. Great! I can call up my best friend, Jenna and we can go out to the mall. This should be interesting...I hope she doesn't notice the cuts... I guess I better wear a long sleeve the spring...


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