Chapter One

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I remember the day my whole life turned  upside down. I was playing with my dolls in the back room of our condo in Florida. The dolls were dressed in the finest clothes that I could find in my big box of dolls. I heard a small rap on the wooden door. I looked up to see the door knob twist and my parents walk in.
Thinking back on it now, why do parents knock before coming in? They will just come in anyways. My mom slid down and sat next to me for a few silent awkward moments. Finally she dug around in my doll box for a minute before pulling out the President, First Lady, and Little girl doll. She also grabbed my plastic doll plane and put it off to the side. She held the dolls in her hand and took a deep breath.

"Elizabeth, my dear," she began and then thought over her words once more. "Your father and I have some very exciting news to share with you! You know how the we are getting a new president? And how daddy was away a lot over the past year?" I nodded my head slowly, my five year old brain trying to process everything. "Well there's a reason for all that! Daddy's gonna be the next president!"
My jaw dropped open to the floor. I knew my dad was famous for his job,  he was even on T. V.  a lot!  But I didn't know he was this famous!  All I knew was what my mother told me,  and that was that he worked for the government!

"And,"... My mother continued causiosly to try to determine my reaction. "We are going to go live in the White House!" My mother exclaimed as she placed all of the dolls inside the toy airplane! 

"Wha-what?" Was my initial reaction. I had seen that place in my books and we had learned about it in school. Wow. Gosh. I didn't know what to think. Good or bad?  I weighed the options in my head.... New house-and a big one too,  but I was leaving my small hometown Florida city being. Not to mention my friends. I decided to voice my unhappy opinion.

"But what about my friends?  Molly and Hensley?  And my school? I'm going to miss  the rest of kindergarten year!  Ms. Thorton is the best!" I whined as I stuck out my pouty lip. The more I thought about it the more I absolutely hated the idea. I began to cry. Crying almost always worked on daddy. Ugh.


"Yes sweet pea?" My daddy answered.

"Daddy why can't you be president from here?" I whimpered as I took the dolls out of the plane and put them into my big doll house in the far corner, almost mimicking what my mom had done.

"Aww baby," my father said as he rubbed my head. "That's not how it works. It's tradition. All the important people are in Washington D. C."

I sighed heavily and began to think of what I could say to convince him.

"But daddy... " I said after a while,  "What about my friends?  And Grammy?" My grandma had been staying at our house while my parents were away at what I think is called "campaining."

"Grammy will be staying at her house. And I'm sure you'll make new friends in D.C.," my father answers.

"But-..." I stared before my mother cut me off.

"You'll be fine sweetie. Now we need to get ready. We only have till January."

I looked at the calander taped to the wall. It's November right now. November... December... January.... We had two months. That's all I had left. I sighed and buried my head in my hands and leaned my head on my knees. This would change my life. Forever.

Hey guys! I hope you guys have been enjoying my story!  Take care!  Comments suggestion and etc.! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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