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hey hey hey it's Rey Rey, back with another story

you can call me Reyna, and I'll be the one who'll run this thing.

Here are some things to clear up before we begin.

-keep in mind my writing may not be the best lol

-I probably won't update as often as I should, whoops

-my grammar and writing probably won't be too good in the author's notes lmao. I only really try when I'm writing.

-I enjoy constructive criticism!! just don't be too rude please

Now that we have that cleared up, here's the gist of this all

The year is 2028, and with society at its best, we've had our ups and downs. For example, we have since achieved at cutting short the dog species completely. With dogs extinct, company Cantria Net sweeps their past under the rug with their latest invention.

Hounds are robot dogs that are said to be better than living dogs by reviews. But Harper Quippit isn't fooled, and soon convinces her friend, Thalia Buft, not to be either.

How they ended up as spies for the horrid company that started this all, and finding out the even more horrid truth behind the artificial pooches, is the real mystery.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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