Chapter 1

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"Hey guys my friends having a party we should go and have some fun" said Michael. The boys all agreed to go. So they all got into the car and went to the party. When they got there they all went different ways. Ashton and Michael went outside, Calum went to the living room to talk to some people, and Luke went into the kitchen to get a drink.

When Luke went into the kitchen he wasn't paying attention and bumped into a girl. "Oh I'm so sorry I bumped into you I didn't mean to miss" Luke said to her. "It's okay, I'm Heather" she looked at Luke. He smiled small and said "I'm Luke nice to meet you". They both talked for a while then they went outside. After a few hours the boys was ready to leave. Before they was about to leave Heather gave Luke her number.

The next morning came and the boys got ready to go to the studio. They got there and got sit up and everything. Then they started to record for a few hours. When they was done they had the rest of the day off. So Luke called Heather and asked her if she wanted to hang out and get ice cream.

Later that day Luke and Heather was at the ice cream shop. They sit down and ate there ice cream. "So tell me about you Luke" Heather asked Luke. He looked at her and smiled "Well I play guitar, I have four best of friends, I'm out going but shy most the time". She chuckled at the last part and smiled. "Well you seem like a great caring young man". He smiled wide "Thank you , well tell me about you". "Okay, ummm well I work at Starbuck, I play softball, I also like to do art". Hours went and it was dark so they both hugged each other and went different directions to go home.

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