- Before You Read -

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The following is for newcomers only. If you're familiar with this series skip to below the bold text: This is a story in a series! Here are the books order:
The Werecats: Creatures of the Night (read the revised version)
The Werecats: Warriors of the Shadows
The Werecats: Defenders of the Light
Feral: A Werecat Novella (this book)
The Power Within: A Werecat Novelette (discontinued)

Hi, readers!
It's been ages since I've published anything. Since I updated the last of the Werecat series, I've graduated high school and I'm off to college soon! Life's about to change, and that's why I'm back. I need writing to keep me level as my life changes. And y'all's support means so much.

Good news though! The Werecats are back! I considered beginning new series and whatnot (ideas which have been shelved for the future), but I received messages both in comments and privately of people asking for more. And seeing as I didn't want to leave this world behind quite yet, I decided to branch off further and bring you more of the Werecat world.

I know what you're all thinking: "When's this heathen gonna finish The Power Within?" Welp, I have your answer. This heathen will not be finishing TPW because it wasn't going anywhere and I am not confident in it. HOWEVER, this novella will be BETTER.

ALSO, I hope to be doing some artwork for this novella as well which I'm very excited for! If anyone else is feeling particularly inspired I'll feature your art of my Werecats on a chapter!

I hope you read all that babble.

It's been a year's wait, so without further ado:

Feral: A Werecat Novella

Feral: A Werecat NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now