1: You, Me & Enternia

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A ray of light shines through a hole in a wall and hits the young woman's closed eyes. She slowly squints at the annoyingly bright light, shifting up uncomfortably. Her whole body aches in pain, even the slightest movement sets her to grunt. Sleeping on a knitted blanket on top of cold cement has that kind of effect.

Getting sleep is such a difficult task when there's gunshots going off at the most random times, not to mention the constant fear in thinking a burglar might come in and steal her and her family's belongings. It had once happened to her actually, someone had come into her wide opened window and stole her whole stack of bread that she had saved. Ever since then she has to keep one eye open while sleeping. Besides the gunshots and stealing, she mainly can't sleep because of her mental health that probably is so messed up; at least that's what she believes.

Even though she's in a terrible situation she'll also look on the brighter side to things. Like the fact no one had come to steal any of her knitted blankets, or else she would've been really screwed. It can get awfully cold in the nights, and these walls weren't made to prevent cool air from entering in. Also there weren't many gunshots going off last night, that's definitely something.

"Raha, come to the living room your father wants to speak to you." Her mother, Yusra's, weak voice calls from the other side the door.

Yusra has gotten a disease called enternia. It has been spreading all around the east of Alnnaji. The symptoms are: coughing, tiredness, nightmares, fatigue, forgetfulness, and sometimes hallucinations. It's spread by blood to blood contact with someone who has the disease. Yusra had gotten it from their neighbor Ahmed who is around her sons' age. When they figured out she had the disease they were all devastated. They've never stopped to find a cure to the disease, though it feels impossible to find one for a disease that had just came out, and is likely to be unknown to the rest of the world.

Raha gets up from the ground then walks towards the creaking white door and opens it. She sees her mother staring lifelessly at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her skin looked paler than normal, and her scalp seemed to be getting much grey as the days pass. It terrifyingly resembles what Ahmed had went through with the disease. His hair is now completely grey, no signs of dark brown hair anywhere. Yusra must be going through the same thing at the moment. Raha feels a wave of uneasiness rush through her. She doesn't want to think for a second that her mother will worsen like Ahmed, there's just no way she can.

Raha clears her throat after staring at Yusra for a few minutes. "Uh what does he want." She asks quietly to her mother. This question seemed to frighten Yusra, because she snaps her head to her daughter and slams the door on her face. The confused twenty year old flinches backward, she hadn't expect that reaction at all. It was the disease that had reacted not her mother, she tells herself.

The young woman sighs lowly and heads to the living room guessing that's where her father will be. She hope to see her eleven year old brother Hamza there. Usually when he's present with her and her father he doesn't say any bad news. Hamza is still a kid to all of their eyes, if the family had a serious talk he wouldn't be there. Just Raha, Yusra and Karim. Not the innocent teen.

Raha walks through the short hallway that's only roughly six feet long. The cold yet-to-be-warm cement she walks on has a small ugly rug on it. Hardly covers any of the hard ground, but they still leave it there. The walls are filled with a tint brown color, which would've looked quite lovely if only it hadn't had stains and a couple bullet holes in them.

She spots her brother and dad seated on the beaten up couches that they've had for many years. The young woman walks calmly to sit beside her brother Hamza, facing Karim who sat across them. She notes their tense expressions and stares at her dad patiently. If Hamza is here, surely there isn't going to be awful news. But their unsettling postures and their dull faces sent confusion through the girl's mind. She looks away from Hamza when she hears her father sighing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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