chapter 1

121 5 16

Ayame's POV

I got ready to go to hell today. I decided to wear a gray and white striped sweater. (She's wearing a strapless bra btw) I put on black skinny jeans with boots. (I hate skirts and my character is not I repeat NOT wearing one) I put on a hat and let my hair fall down my back. "Alright time for hell" I sighed as I got into my black mustang and drove off.
'My name is Ayame hitsugaya I moved here 4 days ago and got accepted into konoha high. My parents died in a plane crash so I live alone,I'm rich and I hate it because people think I'm spoiled but they don't know what I've been threw. My dad was abusive but my mom loved me. Let's just say a painful childhood. My mom and dad are rich so I have plenty of money to last for years and my well 'mansion' I hate living alone and in a big house but they said 'Here you go miss hitsugaya your parents got this house for you and don't worry they paid the bills that will last for about 2 years so you can get a good job I'm so sorry for your lost' and walked out an I'm just standing in the living room with a 'wtf' face. Oh well. I'm 16 right know and I'm on my way to hell. I like school only because of friends but I left all mine behind since i left America and came to Tokyo (I'm not good at states,city's or things like that) for konoha high. I'm going to school in a middle of the year yea go me!!! I'm a idiot'
I parked my car and walked in the gates people were already staring at me.
"Man she's hot!!"

"Is she new!?"

"She's pretty!"

"I love her outfit"

"She better not take my Sasuke-Kun"

"Will she go out with me?"

Yeahhhhh sure I will. Who is Sasuke. oh well probably just some player that every girl falls for. 'How annoying' I thought
I grabbed my book bag strap tighter and tried to find the principals office.
"Omg!!! how hard is it to find the god damn principals office??!" I whisper yelled at myself.


'Great late for class on my first day' I thought
"Need some help un" I turned around to see a guy with blond hair and blue eyes he had a black leather jacket on with a red cloud in it that says 'Akatsuki' black skinny jeans and a black shirt with red converses.
"Deidara lets just go and leave her be" A guy with red hair and black skinny jeans with a red shirt and black converses and the same jacket as 'Deidara' I think his name was.
"Oh come on Sasori she looks new and lost un" Deidara said
"Ok whatever do you guys know we're the principals office is because I'm already late and trying to find this god damn office is starting to piss me off and on top of that my book bag is getting on my god damn nerves so just show me the way and if your not then leave me be because this is waisting my time" I said with annoyance and frustration in my voice.
You can't blame me this is getting really annoying.
"Damn!! New girl has a attitude look do you know who we are un??!!"
"I'm gonna go with a hunch and say Akastsuki" I rolled my eyes and sighed
"Oh so you know us un"
"No I don't know you its on your leather jacket blonde and by the way I like yours and Sasoris style in clothes" I said then walked off.
"Hey brat office is the other way" I heard Saaori call I turned around and walked that way.
"Thank you" I said as I walked pass them they nodded.
"Take a left then it's the first door" I nodded and walked straight.
I turned left and saw the door that says principal. "Finally!!" I said and nocked.
"Come in" I walked in and saw a black hair short lady there and she pointed to another door and I nocked on it.
'Come in' I walked in and saw a lady with blond hair and big.........uhhh well breasts.
"You must be the new girl correct?" I nodded she handed me three slips of paper.
"This is your schedule and this is your locker number and combination and this is your late pass just in case you need it some off these teachers are idiots" I nodded
"Have a good first day oh and there's no uniform only for gym because guy-sensei wanted a uniform it should be in your gym locker" She said
"Thanks" she nodded and I walked out.
'Ok so let's see'

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