First Tag

5 1 6

Hello yeah I got tagged by LealPhantom. I made this book if I ever get tagged again and seeing as my book has not really been looked at yet I would rather make a whole new book.

Anyway here are 10 facts about me~

1)I am of the female verity.

2)I am a major Pokémon nerd.

3)I am a big reader. Favorite author is Nora Roberts.

4)My favorite chip flavor is Salt & Vinegar.

5)I do NOT use a purse I have a cool backpack.

6)I play Minecraft and Ark with one of my best friends all the time.

7)I still live with my mom and younger brother (If I bring up me moving out she tells me I'm not aloud too)

8)I love the color blue. All blues. (I hate pink)

9)I guess you can call me a Tomboy but I don't think I am because I like cute and pretty things. But whatever floats your boat.

10)I am a very weird person. I fine the stupidest things funny some times.

So that's some facts about me. If you want to ask something more then go right ahead. I don't mind answering long as they are not too personal of course.

This is kind of old but a friend told how to do this right so I was able to fix this one

Now for the people I have tagged.









Have a nice day~ *Waves*

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