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Hey loves I hope you love my story oh I have a couple other books going so I'm sorry if I don't update this for a while 😁😁😁 sorry in advance

Hi I'm Maddie and I'm a bit of a trouble maker and I have been getting into some shit all the time.
but I have brown hair but I dye it everyone in a while and I'm 17 and i am not excited because when I pull another stunt I will be sent to the " Smith school for troubled youth and young adults"
So here I am ready to steal a bag of BBQ chips like I always  do but when I broke in they only had the salt and vinegar chips so I hopped on one of those checkout things and the alarms started to go off and in strolled officer Willson and officer Session I know all the officers by name I know right crazy well crazy is  my life so he looks at me and I innocently smile and he says you know the drill kid so I turn around and do all that jazz and when I get home I'm in some deep shit

So when I get home my step monster my ex-boyfriend and my dad are all on the couch chilling till I got out then when I came in they all got up and I snarled " what's this dick head doing in our house" I hissed at my step monster she slapped me " that's not how you speak to guests and then he came up to me and kicked me in the god damn gut so I got up and kicked him in the balls and my dad told me to pack everything so I did and I was glad I was leaving this hell hole of a place and as we approached the airport I faked sadness and walked to my step monster and slapped her kicked my ex and as I was getting out I flipped them off and boy was I glad I wish I wasn't quite a fuck up oh well.

Chris's Pov
Ugh great there is another guy coming and he's classed higher than me I wonder what he did oh we're are my manners hi I'm Chris and I have brown hair and bright blue green eyes and I knew I was cursed like I did some shy that want classy but who's classy anymore I was always a trouble maker no matter where I was I always got in some sort of trouble.  So I've been in this school for about three months now and I've made a couple friends but I'm the only A here then there's the new guy who I bet will be a total drag but I do have no one to talk to. Then there are the classes here on the bottom it's class F they ate the kids there parents don't want them around. Then there's class E they just sneak put and all that jazz and they just go up from there so yea. These are my ass hats of friends there's Noah he's a class D and he's a bad bitch then there's Aidan he's a class F I fell bad actually and that's saying a lot I don't feel bad about any thing then there's Sydney she's 13 but is a B and damn she acts like she's fucking 16 and I'm like damn girl clam down she is a little ball of energy and she won't tell anyone what she did. Then there's her boyfriend Kyle he's 16 and he fell for her on the first day he arrived and we are pretty close.and there's Kylah she's a class E. Then there's Andrew he's like the odd ball of the group he's a class C. And there's Philip he's a class E. We also have Kody he's a class F and his girl friend Izzy she's a class B and I bad ass bitch. And that's all my friends you'll get to see them soon.

Hey loves
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