New Creations.

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Its been almost a month now and the test subjects had given up on trying to escape. They knew it was hopeless especially now that they were starting to be affected by that serum Mixed had used.
All hope was lost and they just couldn't stand it.

Mixed locked up the room they were in and walked away to another part of the lab. At that moment one of them broke and started sobbing. The other ran over hugging her trying to calm her down while the last one of the group hit his head against the wall.
"W-Were never gonna get out of here!Im never gonna be normal again I can't take this!I-I miss Madi and my other friends!" Abby cried as she hugged a very upset looking Alexis. Alexis was almost in tears herself now but she tried to stay positive while stumbling for the right thing to say. Elijah turned to them and stopped hitting his head against the wall.
"We will get out of this mess...even if Raul won't be there to join us....I mean....Im sure Mixed...still had some use for him so he isn't dead just yet."
he said hiding the sorrow in his voice.

Their room fell silent at the mention of Raul. Everyone knew he was really dying and Mixed didn't give a crap. She only wanted to see why it was happening and what else she could do to him. The scientist was become less sane by the minute but she didn't care for herself. She only cared about experiments and every other thing under the roof of that color ridden lab. No ones life mattered to her anymore. But even her own life was nothing because she never paid attention to anytime she was hurt. No one understood why the little genius such as herself was like that. If they had known the truth about her maybe they would feel bad but that was a high doubt. No one would understand her. Only one person would but she hated him with all her heart and soul.
It was some one close to her or I should say was close to her anyway.

After a bunch of silence some tears Alexis had held back rolled down her cheeks and she fell to the floor also sobbing. Elijah looked at her and Abby and sighed.Nothing was going their way anymore. Or as Abby would have stated "The odds were never in their favor".
He shook his head and walked over to the door looking out the barred up window. He jumped a bit shocked as red lights were flaring. An alarm went off and he watched as something ran past their door. Then he saw Mike Foxy and run with that thing.
"Mike!!Foxy help!!Get us out!!"Elijah yelled pulling at the the door and punching it. Mike stopped and turned to look at him but then another another shout was herd from down the hall.
"GET BACK HERE ALL OF YOU!!!"The man shouted and Elijah soon realized it was Vincent. Mike's eyes widened as Vincent threw a knife straight him and he gave a look towards Elijah as if to say "So sorry Elijah" then he booked it as the knife flew over his head and rammed into a wall. Vincent ran straight past the door with a look of pure rage spread across his face.
"Guys....Mike and Foxy are escaping."Elijah mumbled. He knew Mike hadn't meant to leave them behind. He was just being chased and almost got killed so it wasn't anyone's fault. It was understandable.

Suddenly Alexis shrieked scooting away from Abby. Something was wrong with her.
She was screaming at Alexis to stay away from her and was crying . The color of her seemed to be flickering gray. Even her eyes were starting to look different. Elijah ran over but imeadiatly she shoved him away hissing almost like a really pissed off cat.
Alexis just watched in horror as her friend started to change but also now she to was starting to change. Her skin started to turn red. Not like a sunburn red but much worse. Almost like a deep crimson. She looked at her own self now and literally screamed.
"What's happening to me!?"

Mixed however was in her office writing things down. She didn't bother about those sirens that went off because of she knew Vincent had already gone off to take care of it. She stood up from her desk though and crossed the room over to yet another desk with a computer a top it.
It turned on imeadiatly and she tapped the screen loading up some security cameras .She saw the two girls imeadiatly.
"Finally!"Mixed said in pure joy and a smirk grew on her face. She shut the computer off and she walked out of the office heading toward the room of her subjects.

"Not much hope for any of them left~"Mixed chucked darkly. She was right though. Once they fully transformed there was no going back and their new forms would affect their lives forever. Elijah kept running imbetween the two girls trying to find some way to help them but sadly there was no way he could.

There was absolutely no way to stop this not even if Mixed herself tried! Then again though she didn't care. So it left nothing good to come for them all.
What was gonna happen now?...

Well guys it appears I had plans and promises for this sequel now didn't I?~
I hope you guys liked this chapter and I will try my best to write good chapters! I really do try to write interesting things for you all.
Meanwhile...I must go and keep working on other books.
Later my little testies!~ heh.

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