MissUnderstood: Jersey

29 1 0


Skylar (Male, 17)

Lizz (Female, 17 )

Jussy ( Female , 17 )

KG  (Korahn) (Male , 17)

Bea  (Female , 19)

Taylor (Feamle , 16)

Noah (Male, 19)


Have you ever been jugded for loving someone that's so perfect to you but just a different race as you. I met my first love when I was 17 years old. We had so much in common. I really don't care what nobody think I loved her with all my heart. -Skylar


***Skylar House ****

Noah: Wake your ass up ...

Skylar: *groan* I'm up , I'm up .... x.x

Text Message: Can't wait to see you Lizz cx

It was my annoying girlfriend; I truly hate her ...

Replied Text: I feel the same way .... (Lying)

****** 6:00 @ School ******

Lizz : OMG Skylar Hey Baez .....

Skylar: uhhhh , Hey Lizz

Lizz: Come on let's go inside Taylor is waiting

I was happy to see Taylor; she was my bestfriend. I knew her every since the 1st grade. I never seem to have feelings for her some how ... well yeah


Taylor: Skyyyyyyyyyy OMG I havent seen you all summer ... how was Hawaii

Skylar: *Sigh* It was great (Lying through my teeth)

Taylor: You sure ?

Skylar: Yeah

I almost dropped I seen the beautifulest girl I ever seen. (Looked better than Lizz) She was a beautiful carmel color. And what topped it all off was she stood out wearing my favorite band.... I have no problem finding my favorite crush this year.

Skylar: *~*

Taylor: Look like your in love

Skylar: Maybe *Laughs*

Taylor: Lizz gonna kill you

Skylar: Its worth it *Walk towards her* Hey ummm....I'm Skylar ....

Jussy: *Laughs* ^___^ Hey I'm Justuce ....

Skylar: Nice too meet you Umm.....Here's my number * Write number down & give to Jussy*

Jussy: Okay , I'm gonna text you :)

Lizz: Umm.. Who is that Black Chick Skylar talking to ?

Taylor: some girl she's pretty

Lizz: I'm gonna stop him *Walk up to Skylar* What was that Sky?

Skylar:: I was just being friendly ...

Lizz: No .. walk me too classs





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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2013 ⏰

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