Chapters of a books I'll never write

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"I think I'm in love with you,"
"Because you make everything feel okay,"

He was night and I was day. His mind sharp, precise, organised. My mind running wild, forgetful and reckless. He was strong in all the places I was weak and I will remember what this love feels like for the rest of my life. Even though it's gone. He made every fear seem so much smaller just by standing with me as I faced them. I remember our first "I love you's" just as I remember our last. I remember the day we met. I was entranced by big, brown eyes rimmed with thick, black lashes and soft pink lips.
In time his memory will fade, but I cling to the ghost of his presence while I can, haunted by the memory of happiness. How fleeting and fragile life is. How quickly an existence crumbles into the dust of eternity. I want to reclaim him from the universe and make life fair-I want too much. The first time I told him I loved him he didn't say it back, he wanted to know why. I had, had a terrible day and we found ourselves in the bottom of the tube slide, at a nearby park, hiding from my problems. And just being near him made my day feel okay. He was like a drug and I was addicted to him taking my pain away. Why became the other end of I love you for us. And the answer was always different.
"I love you"
"Because you are sunshine on a cloudy day."
"I love you"
"Because you're my very best friend"
"I love you "
"Because you never cease to make me laugh"
"I love you"
Because your the kindest person I know,"
"I love you"
"Because there is no one I'd rather do nothing or everything with,"
"I love you,"
"Because you're the only person I know who likes ranch and ketchup mixed together,"
" I love you,"
"Because you're stubborn,"
"I love you,"
"Because you feel like home,"
"I love you,"
"Because your laugh is contagious,"
"I love you,"
"Because your hand fits in mine like two pieces of a puzzle."
"I love you,"
"Because no one makes me feel more like me than you."
"I love you,"
"Because somehow you chose to love me when you could have anybody."
I told you I remember our last "I love you" just as the first and maybe that's because they weren't all that different.
I was losing him. And we both knew it. He could barely speak, but I heard him whisper, "I love you,"
"Because you made everything feel okay,"

A Chapters Of A Stories I Will Never WriteWhere stories live. Discover now