The Beginning

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This is my first fic on this site.
Please comment so that I know what parts of my stories are liked and witch parts need to be redone. If someone has an idea for this story or one of my other stories please let me know. You can contact me at -I'm Wiccamoon on that site
I'm also on ao3 as SilverGoddess19
Or email me at

Author's note. This is my first very Werewolf fanfiction. Hope you like it. I have more story's on ptkwriters as Liz Bow and on Wattpad as lizzyvamp18, I'm also on as Wiccamoon Come and friend me.
The Wolf.
The noble wolf,stalking thru the forest.
The noble pack,walking,running thru the woods. The leader snapped his head up when he heard a twig break off to his right.
The wind shifted to blow into his face,bringing the sent of humans with it.
With a low growl,the alpha sent the rest of the pack into the cave. The alpha moved into the tree line.
He could hear people talking,rather loudly.
"Hurry up Ronald." That was a woman and she sounded familer.
"Hermione slow down would you,your legs are longer than mine." A male complained loudly.
The alpha shook his head, these humans had no clue how to sneak.
"Ron stop whineing and be quite. We don't know what's in these woods. So stop being a prat." The woman,Hermione said to the man,Ron.
The alpha listened closely,now that he knew there names,he started wandering why they were here.
He remembered a Ron and an Hermione,but that was before.

"Hermione, what was that?" Ron asked.
"I don't know but it sounded big." Hermione answered.
The wolf growled lowly in the back of his throat. Three other wolfs slid into place so that they made a diamond shaped unit.
Stepping into the clearing, the four wolfs made an impressive picture.
Moving closer to the humans, the alpha breathed in the sent of people for the first time in five years.
Sharp green eyes looked them over for signs of danger.
Jet black fur stood up on the back of his neck.
Warm brown eyes looked into his own, and understanding dawned on the woman's face. "Harry is that you?"
So what did you think?
Comment and let me know

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