The Only Part

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We Meet 

Perspective is different. The atmosphere we both breathe in is different. But the way we look into each other's eyes, in that split second, a depth is achieved. A ganache of emotions, for me, pour themselves onto the mystic yet simple heart. A sudden gush of blood that has coiled itself with complex emotions, hit me in that split second. Frantic commotion of sporadic thoughts, that lack lucidity to convey distraught emotion surface from limbo to unleash a world of love, that was for so long secluded under the long sleeves of isolation. But what if, for her, I am just a parenthesis. Detached from the outer world, apart from the social debris, just an escape? The split second of depth, goes into the depth of all. After the long completion of the split second, one may feel sagacious, Profound knowledge of unconditional love and betrayal may hit the person like a hurricane, and it has hit me. It hits me every time I share that split second, every time I live that split second, every time I look into her eyes. On a more serious note, if you ask me the intensity of it, I would, on a sunny perfect day say, "It is nothing serious"

We Love

Einstein said, "It can only be made simple. not simpler" Well I do dearly hope for him to be wrong. The threads that hold me together in love are just too overwhelming. I could not anticipate such love. Could this be it? Could this be the happy end I always carved for? At the beginning I might have dismissed such thoughts thinking it is nothing serious, but now I question myself, what if it is serious? Maybe the stars have finally aligned themselves for me. Maybe finally they pray for my good will, Maybe the cupid has shot his strongest arrows at me and I have blessed to have been struck! Those infinite moments that I now treasure in form of a beautiful memory, just so that when it fades a few years from now, we can recall them, dust off their dust and fall in love again. Oh it would be wonderful! I am soaring in the skies with the rainbows beside me! Love is amazing!

We Separate 

Comedy, has reached its peak in my life. I find myself delusional enough to smile when my mind provokes me to cry. A strip of vine that dangled in my face, while I sat in utter darkness, surrounded by the horrors of my past, was the only escape I could find. I clutched onto it and wished it to take me afar. The vine, slowly and patiently pulled me up, but at a moment, I felt a fear embrace. The fiery hope was getting subsided by the spark of fear that brew somewhere deep within me. The fear did not grow, but yet was able to kill the hope that had after so long found its way home. My heart, could not bear the separation from hope, and it started to race. Suddenly, my eyes fell upon the vine I was holding onto. It was starting to break. I could see the vine weaken and break threads of itself to get rid of me. Agitated, I tried to climb up the vine, but to little effect. Hope was finally lost and forgotten. The vine pulled me up so far, just to release me from up above, just to make me realize the pain I had obviated. I saw the last thread of the vine hold onto the rest, maybe it was trying to save me, or maybe, it was trying it's best to get rid of me, the mystery would, in a moment sublimate and leave me in eternal pain of separation, betrayal and unrequited love. I would again find myself battling with darkness with nothing but darkness. I could close my eyes and wish for a miracle, but why throw hay at false hope, knowing the flames that it showcases would only be for showcase. The vine ultimately breaks, fulfilling its purpose. I feel the frictions of the air brush against my skin and with them a sense of incompleteness and ambiguousness. I feel the earth cushion the blow to my heart with paleness and rigidness. My mind sees it all, bears it all and sends an impulse to the heart. After a moment, I feel the darkness sooth into light, I feel the warmth of fear transform into the icicles of hope. I feel numb. If you ask me to describe the feeling, I would on a perfect day say, "It is comical"

© Rohan Suresh

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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