Aching Heart

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Whew! Finally school over for the week. As I stepped inside the house, I smelt the juicy pulled pork in the slow cooker. I tasted it, filled with meaty explosions in my mouth as it was crushed by my teeth and travelled down my throat slowly like a slithery snake. My shoes flung off my feet as my toes brushed along the soft carpet. Then I noticed no one was home. For some reason it brought a twinkle to my eye as I started to chuckle. 'Home alone...What could I do?' I thought to myself. I dropped my 10kg weight of a bag and dashed through the hallway into the kitchen.

I searched through the fridge and collected a can of Coke, Fruit Salad and a rose? I tried to ignore it but the crimson petals and the long, green stem seemed to compel me in. 'No.' I told myself. My mum probably kept it for her new fiance.

Andy, her friend from work, suddenly started talking. They both were employed at The Pack And Go delivery service for the Queen and when I told people at school they seemed jealous and impressed. I think it boosted up my popularity... Anyway they started to converse about 'the good old days' so to speak when they were just little ickle babies, then it went further. 'And', as I like to call him, asked her out on a date. My mum agreed and one weekend they went to a restaurant near a park. After their 'posh posh' meal they sat on the side of the fountain beside each other. That's when they had their first kiss. It was quite funny according to mum, she said afterwards she fell in the water, surprised.

Sigh. Anyway I'm not too satisfied with these morsels, I need to search the freezer. I opened the door and looked in the first draw: peas, chips and more peas. Great. I looked in the second and there was a half eaten tub of ice-cream. I immediately took it and grabbed a spoon and dashed into the lounge. I bounced on the baige, leather sofa and mixed the fruit and ice-cream into a bowl. Mmm. Divine. Before I knew it I drifted off to sleep.

Gah! Hmm? I was laid down covered with my sleeping quilt and my head was rested on my pillow. Someone had put me to bed. 'Mum!!!' I shouted so the entire neighbourhood could hear. Silence. I reached for the bedside table and found my Ipad, a note and a rose? Why does it feel like it's following me? I slowly reached out my hand to the rose and grasped it in my hand. I waited. 'So what n---agghh!'

The place I had been transported to, was a strange one. Dark, gloomy and misty. I stood up from the sticky muddy earth and saw a tall, gnarled tree with no vibrant colours to hide it's nudety. Suddenly, a unclear, blurry image drew my attention as I quickly locked my eye on one boulder. Silence. More silence. As I headed away to explore, I became aware of the sound of a breaking twig. A large hooded figure stood before me with a ripped, black cloak and a blurred body.

I looked it up and down. Without warning, a red glow shone from the area of it's heart and a strange item left it's self. It was still pumping, black as an oil slick as the object slowly drew closer to me. I could make out a hazy smirk from his crooked, dry lips as it's deformed eyes lit up a deep crimson colour. 'STOP!' an unfamiliar, confident voice sounded out. The odd item stopped moving, and my eyes were then locked on the new being. The curious creature looked to the young man too and it soon disappeared. 'W-what was that the thing y-you saved me from?' I timidly asked. The bold man, stared at me with his deep blue eyes that I could swim in for hours. His blonde locks ran to his shoulders but were tied back. He wore a simple T-shirt and black shorts, with a sharp shark tooth hooked on a necklace hidden under his shirt. 'They're called Shapeshifters. No soul or clear humanity. They are not animals. Not humans. Nothing. So what's a young gal like your'sen out here by herself doing?' 'I-I don't know, one minute I was laid down in my bedroom, then the next, here in this fantasy.' I stammered. 'I wouldn't call it a fantasy exactly, more of a nightmare or horror film. Not to scare you, but you could've just been brought to their side. I don't recommend going out here by your'sen or their will be hell to pay.' The boy told me cautiously. 'I'll defiantly keep that in mind....If you don't mind me asking, I didn't catch your name.' I asked shyly. 'Laurance Thurston' 'Violet Haven, pleasure to be at your aquaintance.' 'And you too, come on let me take you to our hideout.'

After a trek through the woods that lasted forever, me and Laurance approached a small camp. It included three large tents, a burning fire sending thick, black smoke into the sky and a few coolers nearby. While I was looking for any other signs of civilisation a tall woman and young boy came towards us. The woman was questionably beautiful with long eyelashes, dark skin and wavy black hair. 'Hey honey!' the girl exclaimed with a broad smile exposing her shiny teeth. The stranger flung her arms around Laurance and glared at me while he returned the hug. Laurance suddenly replied with a charming grin and introduced me to the woman known as Raven Thistle. The boy however was very quiet and shy, he usually stared at the ground kicking his feet against the mud. His name was Tristan, and I knew something was the matter. 'Well, I'd a think it's a time for dreams! Let's head to sleep.' Laurance said content. I was lost in thought as I was in awe of his handsome looks. I feel relaxed when he talks and I can be hypnotised by his piercing eyes. My daydreaming was over when I was sent back to reality with the snap of Raven's fingers in my face as she pointed to my tent. I nodded, embarrassed as I walked over.

The night was a drag. Several times I had to get out of my sleeping bag and stare at the bright lights in the sky. Not quite stars more like colourful galaxies with infinite endings and never-ending adventures. One day I wish to find my own journey and follow my dreams, that is if I ever get out of here. This stargazing had lasted so long I hadn't realized that daytime was upon us and another day of the unknown would begin. As I headed back to the camp I heard a quiet voices in the trees. I kept still and stared at the forest as I tip-toed to the sound of the voices. I peeped between trees and listened carefully to the conversation. They were talking in a fast paced language that I was almost unable to understand. I tried to peer more closely at the figures in the woods, and finally I realized they were familiar. I saw Raven and Laurance in deep converse about a common subject. Worry. I heard my name mentioned in their quarrel so instantly I knew they didn't trust me. Well at least Raven didn't. He was calm and collected and was trying to convince Raven I wasn't a threat. Laurance explained the full story on how we met and she finally seemed to see reason. I breathed a sigh of relief as I trudged away and couldn't believe that Raven was concerned about me when she seemed very disturbed when we met yesterday. I'm still unsure about her.

As I returned to familiar surroundings I noticed Tristan sat alone on log near his tent. I confidentely walked over to him, smiling, and took a seat next to him. I greeted him. 'Hey Tristan. Are you okay? Ever since we met you've seemed very quiet. Are you unwell?' I asked kindly. Tristan kept silent and looked up at me with his dark hazelnut eyes and shuffled away from me. I was confused. I understand for a child with an age of probably 6 or 7, it would be difficult if he had been in this world a long time or ust arrived like me. I wonder how he got here? If he had left his family behind. 'Well let me know if you--' 'What are you doing Violet?' Raven asked suspiciously while looking me up and down. 'Raven honey! Give the gal a break.' Laurance shouted from his position. 'You're lucky.' Raven said scowling and walked away from me to Laurance. They started to kiss and I immediately looked away from them. Why does it ache my heart when they're together?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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