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     "So... was I the only one who noticed how hot Kevin was when he was possessed?" Erin hesitantly asked, tapping her pen on the desk. Abby chuckled and rolled her eyes. "No. I was too focused on not dying." She teased, causing Erin to scoff.

"Seriously, Erin. You need to lay off of Kevin. It ain't gonna happen." Patty said. "Just tellin' you straight." She lifted her hands in defense, incase Erin snapped. "Plus, now that we're getting more cases, I feel like we should be focusing on our work." In reality, working on gadgets and plans was extremely boring to Patty. She just loved spending time with Holtzmann.

"I second that!" Holtzmann sang from across the room, as she messed with a glowing green gadget on the table. Patty giggled at this, covering her mouth. She loved how Jillian always sang everything. She was always so happy-go-lucky.

Erin huffed and averted her eyes from Patty. "You're just jealous."
"Now, Erin." Abby whispered as if she were scolding a child, putting her hand on Erin's thigh. "We aren't here to pick fights. We're the Ghostbusters! No one can break us apart. And that means each other, too."

Jillian snickered, screwing a nail into a new trap she was testing out. "You sound like my mom."
"Oh, shut it." Abby teased, laughing under her breath.

Erin was still shook up from what Patty said-- About her not having a chance with Kevin. She thought they hit things off perfectly.
"Hey. Quit pouting, Erin. I never thought i'd be telling you to focus on our work. It's important, you know." Patty mumbled the last part under her breath, crossing her arms.
"I GET IT, OKAY?" Erin snapped, clenching her fists in sudden frustration.

This startled Holtzmann, causing her to jump and accidentally hit her finger on the hammer she was using. "Christ on a stick!" She hissed, shaking her hand in the air. Patty looked over and raised an eyebrow. "Christ on a what-now?" She asked. "Even your exclamations are weird."
Jillian sucked on her thumb and sighed. "Yeah. I'm okay, thanks for asking."

"Geez, you're all bitter today! What happened?" Abby asked, cocking her head.
"Patty thinks she can give me relationship advice!" Erin shouted. Patty scoffed and furrowed her eyebrows. "Relationship?! Girl, you wish." She remarked. Jillian gasped and covered her mouth. "Ooooh..."

"You guys are so insensitive! Oh my GOD!" Erin grunted and stood up. "I can't take it anymore!"
Abby narrowed her eyes. "What is wrong with you guys, seriously?"

"Actually..." Jillian stood up. "It's the tense atmosphere of us literally being together every second of every day. You know, even best friends can't handle each other for more than a month straight. Scientifically, we all need time off."

Patty shook her head. "Why don't you just say we need a day off?" She really didn't mind it, she thought it was cute. She just didn't want to be too obvious.
"I dunno..." Holtzmann shrugged.

"You know what? What a great idea!" Erin put her hands on her hips. "Bye!"

"Us?! You know what?! Yeah, us. Come on, Holtzy. We're going out tonight." Patty took Jillian's wrist, causing her to blush a bit. "Uh... really?" She said breathlessly, biting her lip.

"Yeah, baby! Come on. Just you and me." Patty lead her to the stairs and held her close. "Have fun being stuck here all night!"
Erin rolled her eyes. "Just go." She growled, and Patty immediately turned to leave.

As soon as they got outside, the tension seemed to quickly lift off of them. But Patty's heart kept skipping beats for some reason. Maybe it was the fact that they were still holding hands. Jillian thought it would be awkward to pull away, so she was just waiting for Patty to let go first. "Uhmm..." She squeezed her hand.

Patty looked down at their hands and flushed beet red, her eyes widening. "Oh! Oh. Sorry..." She pulled her hand away and looked away.
"No, no! No worries." Holtzmann assured her. "It was just... I... I didn't know if you-"

"Oh, look! A tourist shop." Patty interrupted to break the awkwardness, making Holtzmann's heart drop. She thought they had something going there-- A chance; A light at the end of the tunnel.

"I love tourist shops. It's real fun just to laugh at how weird they can get." She continued, chuckling. "Yeah." Holtzmann laughed along, sadness evident in her tone. "Let's... let's look around."
Patty nodded and lead her into the shop, looking around with an ecstatic look on her face. "Look at all of this lame tourist stuff." She giggled. "Tourists are hilarious."

Jillian nodded along, looking around. "Mhm." She tried to forgive and forget. Maybe there would be another chance later on in the day...
"This is kinda cute though." She pointed to a large shirt, decorated with different newspapers.

"Of course it's cute to you. It's weird." Patty teased, playfully elbowing Jillian.
"Hey. I like to stick out." She chuckled in reply, shrugging. Patty nodded. "And you sure do."

Holtzmann looked for a price tag on the shirt. "Hmmm..."
"Hey, don't beat yourself up. I'll buy it for you." Patty smiled sweetly, patting her shoulder. Jillian shook her head. "You don't have t-"
"I insist." She took the shirt off of the rack and brought it up to the cashier, as Jillian stayed behind to 'look around' a bit more.

In reality, her mind was racing. Was that a sign of affection? Did Patty do that to impress her? It sure worked...

"Hey, Holtzy! C'mon!" Patty interrupted her thought process, taking her hand instinctively.

Jillian just let this happen, not saying a word. Everything about Patty was enchanting to her. Every word that escaped her mouth, every smile that beamed out of her heart, everything. She was ecstatic to be spending a whole day with her. And maybe, hopefully, some confessions would make their way out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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