Chapter 3 ( Jacks Prospective)

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I woke up to realize that I wasn't in me apartment in Ireland anymore. That was because I moved the day before. I have tried practicing me English but people stare at me funny, probably because I miss pronounce my As. Rookie mistake i guess?

People think I am Stupid and could i blame them? Not really..I barely sleep and I yell a lot.. I just don't like the way they think I am stupid. They thought i was stupid because i was Irish and that Potatoes are my family. We don't all farm potatoes. Even so it's not the only thing we do, I will kick them in the shin if they say otherwise. As I walked to me school I stared at me watch 6:20 am wow I was on time for me second school day. I smiled to make a good impression but

instead of a good impression Felix walked up to me and said "Woah look at his hair it looks like deoderant !" Everyone there laughed. I was preparing to kick him just as the lunch bell ring. I sighed and I sat at a lunch table with me hood over me head. I knew no one would sit at me table. Just then the most clumsiest guy ran into the lunch room. I looked at his face from under me hood and realized it was me favorite youtuber Markiplier. he looked around and walked torward me table. Before I fangirled I realized I would embarrass me self in front of Mark.

Without thinking I pointed to the table where Felix sat and said that he was supposed to sit there. But instead, he told me that he wanted to sit here. I felt as if I was dreaming. The one and only Markiplier wanted to sit with me? He sat down and asked if I was Sean Mcloughlin. I was shocked he knew my name. " me Jack." I answered. He appologized to me and ate his sandwich. The truth was I didn't want him to think i was stupid like the rest of the people in this fooking school. luckly I was saved by the bell literally and I ran as fast as I could into the hall. I heard faint laughter as I ran. I hated this school already and this was me second day here. Oh well atleast Mark doesn't think i am stupid...I hope :T . I knew Mark was running after me but I didn't wanna talk to him. that and i didn't wanna become late for math class. As I opened me locker the footsteps stopped. The the sound of a locker banging came from 9 feet away from me. I imediatly turn around and see Felix said "get ready for the joke of the year McLaughLin!!"

and a crowd joins him and chants "McLaughLin!!!"and laughed. I didn't care much until I noticed Mark in the crowd. just when tears were about to stream down me face I started to run into class. I began to get ready for class, by picking up a morning worksheet and sitting at me desk. But me tears drenched the paper. "Fook you tears!" i said as i stuck up me middle finger at the paper. Just then I imediately stopped when I heard running footsteps. It was Mark, probably here to bully me and call me stupid like the rest. But instead he seemed mad and not at me...but at Felix. He told me he didn't chant nor laugh but i still didn't believe him. How could he ever go against Felix?...Felix was his friend afterall. He got close...too close and I pushed him away and yelled "FOOK YOU!!". Just then i realized that i just swore to my favorite youtuber. with wide eyes i watched him plummet into a mathbook shelf. I smiled, this was a first impression to remember. I helped him up while faintly blushing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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