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Kya stepped out of the car,tan hiking boots crunching against the crackling dry granite gravel created by Eons of eroding mountain rock. Kya was about twenty and had long tan legs about 5' 8" and shoulder length dark hair falling around her face choppily pulled halfway back,large magenta sunglasses decorating the bridge of her nose which despite her tan was collaged with freckles.

Her eyes were a strikingly sharp green which she almost always outlined in thick black eyeliner to make them look almost lethal,the only makeup she wore. Today she sported tan hiking boots,blue hiking shorts so short they almost showed her butt and a tan t-shirt that had a dream catcher in it and said something about Alaska from where she had hiked before. Kya was dyslexic and didn't even try to read the cursive phrase associated with the Alaskan t-shirt.

She was strong but her muscles were lean in an almost swimmer sort of way. Though her eyes were fierce and her cheekbones were sharp her small nose was sharp and turned up in a cute way.

Kya loved nature more than her own mother...well,if she had known her mother. She was constantly camping and even worked at a camp as a camp ranger for a part of the summer,in the winter was a counselor at a kids winter camp. She just didn't feel right without the mountains. Kya was from Montana originally but found herself in all kinds of places across the country nature calling to her constantly for something new.

That is what brought her to this hike today. A trail in the beautiful mountains of Idaho she couldn't remember what it was called,having ignored the task of focusing on reading the signs. Never go alone. People had always told her and she usually took a group with her but often liked to adventure alone,getting away from people. She was always better with nature than people,and maybe she thought a part of her feared that if she stayed around people more she'd fall in love and settle down. Kya Ash didn't settle.

She had started the trail excited,camel's back backpack strapped snugly around her fit figure,all sorts of gadgets clipped and hanging from its loops dangling and clinking about as she walked. She had probably only been hiking for about an hour when the moment happened that would change her life seemingly forever.

She had run out of water in her pack and crouched next to a stream,filling her filter bottle with clear and cold fresh water,run-off from melting snow;winters leftovers. To her left was a steep cliff like decline spotted with sideways growing trees and warrior bushes with berries she was pretty sure were harmful upon consumption.

A mosquito ventured out for a feast on her leg and she slapped at it hating the thought of the insect sucking at her blood with a proboscis like needle. The buzz and swat sound was disrupted back a sudden crack and grind of loosened rocks,tumbling on the cliff side below her.

Kya glanced up to make sure none of the loose rocks had tumbled her way but was safe,remaining boulders tumbling in the way of gravity over the edge of the steeper side. After the tumbling stopped it was silent until she thought she heard a much softer sound a quiet grunt. An almost human like sound.

She stood from her crouch at the river side and brushed pine needles from her knees,walking cautiously over to the cliff edge,in a constant stare towards the rocks at towards the top of the cliff from which the loose rocks fell. Again,she heard a grunt this time louder and closer to her.

Tearing her eyes from the boulders for just a moment she gasped in surprise and a small sense of fear flashed through her before the adrenaline rushes in to rescue her action.

A man by the looks of it her age or a bit younger clung to the steep side of the cliff,arms shaking at the effort of supporting his full weight on them only whilst attempting to climb back up the impossible incline to safety.

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