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Connie was stood in front of her bedroom mirror naked she was studying her delicate frame. Connie had gotten so skinny over the last 4 months that was because she had anorexia. She was starving herself eating  as little as possible. Her waistline was extremely tiny too tiny she had the waistline of a  small child that was extremely worrying and scary. Connie had lost a considerable amount of weight. Connie knew that with not eating she was bond to lose weight but she now knew that Jacob and people would notice because now Connie looked unhealthy too skinny she looked sad miserable and unhappy. Connie went in her wardrobe and started looking for a outfit which would cover her slime frame up well so no one would suspect anything most importantly Jacob.

Jacob walked into his and Connie's room he saw his incredible gorgeous girlfriend picking an outfit out from her massive wardrobe. She was still naked so Jacob could see her figure clearer her frame was so slim and fragile. He had noticed about four weeks again that she was getting unhealthy missing meals, she had been upset more she cried constantly but she would never tell him what was the matter. He had suspected anorexia when he had noticed her figure getting extremely tiny. He was quite scared to ask her because he had a intense fear of loosing his lady. If he lost Connie he didn't know what he would do. Though he needed to ask her know she was getting ill physically now. If he didn't he might loose her literally.... He knew that he needed to ask someone what to do and he knew exactly who to ask.

Jacob snaked his arms around her toned body and pulled her closer and started kissing her neck. Connie pulled away she didn't want Jacob to notice anything.
"Connie why did you pull away?".
"I don't feel to good Jacob proberly coming down with something don't want you to catch it".
"Aw ok babe" said Jacob acting as if he didn't suspect a thing.
Connie smiled at him and continued to get ready she got dressed into a rather flowery white top and a tight pencil skirt she put on some make up she went for a natural look as per usual, that's what Jacob loved about her she was natural pretty. She then did her hair she did it so it was flowing naturally down her back it was so long and curly. 

Jacob drove the pair of them to the ED Jacob knew that not eating must be takings its toll on Connie because she never ever let anyone drive her car.

They arrived in the ED and walked in together when they got to reception they heard their separate ways Connie went to her office to sit down and Jacob went to the staff room. Connie sat down as soon as she got into her office. She clutched her abdomen as she was in a considerable amount of  her body was groaning for food. She felt so drained. Connie really wanted to tell Jacob what was wrong she knew if he knew that he would help her through this horrible problem that she has. He would help her. Though she couldn't tell him because that terrible dangerous voice inside her head was telling her not to tell him, nor anyone. This controlling voice inside her head was telling her that she was fat overweight obese though she absolutely wasn't she was practically as thin as a pin.
The voice was also telling her that she was ugly that she didn't deserve to be happy also even telling her that she didn't deserve Jacob.   Apparently she didn't deserve  to be happy she according to the voice she deserved to be miserable. It was also talking to her about how much she had failed Grace and how much of a crap mother. The voices torments kept getting worse by the day and Connie was in fact really surprised it hadn't told her to kill herself yet. The voice wasn't real though it was in Connie's head it was mean nasty and cruel it was going to kill eventually going to kill her if nobody didn't notice on their  own accord.

About 20 minutes after Connie and Jacob had arrived at the ED.Connie was called into cubicles she stood up to quickly and was sick in the bin Jacob walked in a he shut the door quickly to give his girlfriend some well needed privacy. He rubbed her back as she was sick he noticed blood in the sick tears formed in his eyes the blood made his suspicions even more realistic. He hated the fact that she was starving herself and hurting herself really badly. He wished that she felt safe to tell him but he had already worked out that she was keeping it a secret from him for reasons that she also didn't want to express.

When Connie had finished throwing up she fell back into Jacobs chest he rubbed her tummy he could fell it groaning for nutrients. He felt her forehead she was quite feverish.
"I am taking you home baby, your sick you need to be resting".
Connie didn't answer or argue, truth be told she didn't have the energy to.

Jacob wrapped his arm around her waist and gently helped her up he quickly had a word with Charlie who was going to cover for him until he got back to the ED from dropping Connie of. Charlie agreed to cover, then Jacob gently lead Connie out to the car he helped her into the passages seat and then closed the door he got in the other side and drove home. He unlocked the door and then carried Connie upstairs with his arms wrapped protectively round her delicate body then when he got to their bedroom he placed her down on the bed he hadn't realised but she had already had fallen asleep. He smiled at her she looked so beautiful yet so sad. He wished that this anorexia hadn't touched her and made her so sad and silent. Oh how much he wished that she was still the happy bubbly sweet open Connie. He decided that after he got back from finishing what was left of his gruelling shift, he gave Connie a light kiss. Then headed out locking the door behind him, he got back in the car and drove back to the ED.

He walked into the ED after parking Connie's car back in her usual spot he was greeted by Charlie he asked how Connie was and Jacob said that she was fine just ill. He also said to Charlie to meet him in the staff room after the shift had finished. They were both on the same shift rota.

Jacob went into cubicles there was a little boy who had been brought in by his mother indeed because he had fell of a swing and his arm hurt. Jacob and Lily were treating him they realised that the boys arm was broken so he was sent for an x-Ray and the they went into the plaster room the boy was scared and was rather clingy after he had been treated. Jacob signed discharge papers and he was free to leave. Then he went the staff room to find Charlie.

Charlie was sitting getting through tackling some paper work which really needed to be done by the end of the week. He looked up to see who had walked in he saw that it was Jacob he said hi and Jacob mirrored they talked about work stuff for a bit.

"So Jacob why did you what to talk to me about ?" Charlie asked.
Jacob sighed "It's about Connie"
"Right okay" said Charlie.
"Well" said  Jacob 'It's about Connie, she's not been herself recently have you noticed?'.
"Yes I have" Charlie informed Jacob 'I've noticed that she's been burying herself into work recently, is she missing Grace'.
"Well she's been missing Grace since the moment she left," said Jacob 'It's not that I wanted to talk to you about Charlie she had not been eating recently well she's not been eating for four weeks to be precise". Charlie raised his eyebrows in shock he was surprised and shocked he had noticed that Connie had been getting thinner but he just thought that she'd been on a stupid diet or something. 'She's been getting really moody exhausted tired, This morning she threw up blood Charlie I don't know what to do I know she has anorexia even if she doesn't known that I know about it, she's extremely keen for me not to known Charlie mate help me out I don't know what to do'.
Charlie was shocked Connie was like a daughter to him, literally. He was so saddened that she had been going through all this pain and heartbreak slightly.
"Look Jacob you need to talk to her, let her know that you know and tell her straight that you won't leave her because of the anorexia say that no matter what you will stick by her and look after protect and help her, tell her that you will help come up with little methods or something to help her learn to want and to eat again Jacob you have to talk to her or will you might loose her altogether your the only one who knows how to get through to her" said Charlie.

Jacob nodded at Charlie he was right he had to get through to her, talk to her or he might loose her altogether.....

Hi hope you enjoyed this first part to the story please leave comments on what you think about it 💓. The next update will proberly  be in about a weeks time as I am going to Spain tomorrow 🌞🍉 x.

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