How it all started

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Right now my life was as high as it could get:I had a job,a family,a house,a school,and had finally got rid of that jerk that I used to call my boyfriend.

But even though i had all of it ,One thing was for sure:my life was repetitive.I honestly didn't want to think about a relationship right now,but seeing all those couples made me jealous.
Another day in my life was almost over ,I was going back home after work ,going in my phone switching songs to listen to the same song I hear everyday after work.As soon as I stepped in the street looking at my phone I felt someone grabbing my wrist,turning me around hugging me to safety.
"Whoa,careful there" that someone said as he was still hugging me with me listening to his heart that fell like it was gonna burst out of his chest.
I pulled away from the hug to face a handsome guy with greenish eyes,messy hair,very tall,and smiling softly.
"That car almost crushed you and you're asking 'what'?"
"Y-you saved my life"
"No,I was just passing and decided to at least do something good for a pabo(idiot) today"
"Yah!I'm not a pabo...but still y-you saved me,Is there anything I should do for you?"
He looked at me from head to toe and smirked

"Thinking about it ,yeah,I saved your life you owe me something pabo-yah"He said arrogantly
"Thanks.....?"I said hoping he was thinking about that and not a favor
"Thanks? That's all you got?"
"Then what do you want?"
"Recently I've been really busy and so I can't seem to have time to do some chores in my house ,so.."
"Wait,you're basically asking for a maid?"
"Well if you want to think about it that way.."

I thought about it for a minute

"No,I don't even know your name,anything else?"
"My name is Seo Kangjun"
"Soo..Anything else?"
"Yah!I saved your life,you owe me something even bigger!"
"You know what,let's finish with it I'll do it and then will be equal"
"Huh?"he seemed surprised since I didn't refused anymore
"Okay,follow me"
We walked and after a while I realized we where directing the same way I was initially going to
"Pabo-yah,aren't you cold?"
I snapped out of my thoughts
I looked at me and realized I was all summery and was shivering
"I let my friend use my jacket since her house isn't  near"
"Come here"
He said as he took his coat out and placed it on my shoulders,I blushed
We continued walking till we arrived to an apartment in the same building as mine was
We entered the apartment and I looked around everything seemed normal,it actually kinda looked like mine, but the way he dressed didn't really fit this place
"Welcome,w-what's your name?"
"Lee Seulbi"
"Welcome,pabo,this is my house"
"Yah! I already told you my name why would you keep calling me that?"
"I'll call you however I want to,puppy"
I cringed at that cheesy line
"Is this really your house?"
I changed the theme
"Yes,why doubt so?"
"You dress so well"
"It's because of my parents"
"Your parents?"
"Ye-yeah good sense of fashion.."
He said suspiciously
"What am I actually here for?"
"Yah-puppy ,give me my coat why do you still have it?"
He said rudely but changing the theme and my expectations lowered
"Here you go" I said as I threw it to him
"Be careful pabo-yah this is expensive not like what you wear"He said as he rubbed the dust off of it
"So?just tell me what I have to do so I can leave"
"Make me some dinner"
I went to his kitchen and checked but there wasn't any good food
"There isn't anything to work with"
"Let's go to the convenience store then"
"But wait,first wash the dishes"
"Ah jinjja?!Who is this guy to ask me for this,you know what I'll do it quickly so I can go" I thought to myself
I washed the dishes and went to the living room again
"Ready,can I go now?"
"Nope,first let's have dinner"
"I already told you there isn't any food"
"Puppy-yah and didn't i already told you we'll be going to the convenience store?!"
"Jinjja this guy!"
"Come on,wear this jacket meanwhile"
He gave me a jacket from his couch and threw it at me and it obviously fell on the floor ,I picked it up ,put it on even though it was big ,and followed him
He went to the street and called ..a taxi?!
"Why are we going on a taxi?"
"To the mall please"
To be continued..
Hi guys!!this is my first fanfic publishing and I hope to receive support tell me what you think!!
~With Love Lee Seulgi <3

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