How was Love Love Paradise Created?

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Once upon a time......

In a far away, wait that's the wrong story.

Anyways. Once upon a time.... STILL WRONG STORY screw it go with the script

In the lands of a place called Love Love Paradise, lived a remarkable person named,Guy.

He was so remarkable and handsome and oh so talented and happies and you get the point, that he owned a cat. Not just a cat, THEEE CAT. THEEE CAT (was actually Travis in a cat costume) is tha best cat in da world. Guy loved this cat sooo much that he built ans islands and an amusement park and named it love love paradise so allll the people in the world can fall in love with THEEE CAT. BUT ONE DAY someone named APHMEOW went to this magical place that was filled witht water and slides and things called water slides which you go through a tube and land in more water. The best part about this place is that it had so many cutsi littl babies but Aphmeow was banned from adopting any because just as pokemon she'dd collect em' all. 

So Aphmeow went to Love Love Paridase and decided to take THEEE CAT. Butt Guy was alreadt pre-parred and sent his best guard cats against Aphmeow. There was an entiree army of cats and Aphmeow thought shecounlt handle it until.....she raised one finger in the air and saied the magical words.


Before Aphmeow can finish her sentence her Mom came from the planet of Itherstia and defeated all the cats.

"I was going to say that I was going back home but this works too."-Aph

Aphmau finally gets to THEEE CAT, and kisses his paw (and posed in a fabulous way.)

"Oh THEEE CAT. Please I must have three answers from you."

THEEE CAT replies with "Better make it fast I'm missing Taco day."

Aph quickly replies, "When will Eric like Travis again, is Zane-Chan going to sail, what is the number of galaxy and multi-universes that exists and can I visit them? "

Guy comes in the room unespectedly and takes Aph over to the appartment with Zane, Katleynn, and Travis(Travis was in a dog costume for no reason). All her questions were unanswered but one was answered that day. Kawaii-chan tripped and fell on Zane making them both kiss and it was delightful so much that they started dating and had 100 children each named after a different otp. 

The only problem is....

Aphmau die- wait no, that isn't on the script. Wops wrong story *ahem*

Aphmau took lots of pictures and posteds them on social media. 

AND THAT'S how Love Love Paradise came to be

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