Chapter 1

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Desi POV

I woke up, and my wrist had a familiar stinging feel. Nobody knew this, except for Christa, but before younow I cut myself two or three times. I don't like to think about it, and I honestly regret it a lot just like I regret last night. I sit up from my bed, and I see Bryce laying on my bean bag chair a sleep. I look at my wrist, and it was wrapped I guess Bryce did that I'm so glad I have him. My mom had to go to New Jersey for a patient she had so at least she won't find out about this. I walk down stairs to look for my phone, and it was on the kitchen counter.

Blake: I love you Desi I am so sorry for causing this.

Blake: i know that you probably hate me, but I don't care because I just want you to be happy and I hope he didn't do anything to her yourself. I care about you so much baby, and I don't want you to be hurt or in any pain

Blake: Bryce said you're okay but I just wanted to say good morning since you're probably gonna look at this when you wake up. Have a good day just know I'll be thinking about you and everyone loves you I hope I can see you soon.

Me: thank you so much for that Blake i know you think this is your fault, but it's not. Have fun at Magcon, and I hope I can see you soon too.

Blakes: thank god you're okay and that literally made my day. I will try my hardest to see you as soon as possible.

Me: thanks again for everything.

Blake: love you

Me: love you too

I love Blake I really do, but I just don't really know if I can trust him. He would always flirt with other girl while we were dating. I know when I see him he's gonna think everything's fine, and we'll just go back to normal and date again but that's not gonna happen. I really want to be with him I just don't want to get hurt anymore then I already have. I walk back upstairs, and I lay down on my bed then scroll threw Instagram. I went threw the rest of my text the only people they told were Hunter, Brandon, Christa, and Novalee.

I don't care that they told any of them, but I'm just scared Mackenzie might find out and use it against me. Mackenzie hates me so much, and I honestly don't think she has a good reason to hate me so much. I think she's literally trying to ruin my life, and all I want is for us to at least be nice to each other. Even if she likes Blake, and that's why she's so rude to me and trying to ruin my life it's not a good enough reason.

Hunter and I have gotten really close these past couple weeks, and we've both told each other we have feelings for each other. We both said it was bad idea to date or anything though, because I still love Blake and he still loves Novalee. He was gonna stay at my house for a little while after Magcon Baltimore, but then Brandon kept asking questions. I layed my phone down and just started at my ceiling. I felt someone wrap their arms around me and it surprised me.

"Sorry for scaring you, but are you feeling okay?" Bryce says.

"Not really my heads pounding, and my wrist stings really badly and I regret what I did." I say sighing.

"Do you want to go get head ache medicine?" Bryce says.

"No I'm fine, but what if the supports find out they'll be so ashamed of me I let them all down." I say letting as tear fall from my eye.

"They won't find out okay I won't let that happen okay." Bryce says getting up from my bed going back to sitting in my bean bag chair. I love Bryce he's like my older brother he's always there for me.

"Thank you," I say getting out of bed and going to hug him. "Can we go get breakfast?" I ask.

"We can order something, because I want you to rest some." Bryce said smiling and I smile back. We ordered from a dinner down the street and Bryce brought it up to my bed. We heard a knock on the door, and Bryce went down and told me to stay upstairs. I followed him anyways it's my house I do what I want. Bryce opened the door and it was Mackenzie why was she here.

"I need to talk to you." She says and grabs my hand and pulled me outside.

"Stop." Bryce said getting a little angry.

"No it's fine." I say and sit in the poor bandy turn to her. "Are you gonna talk or not?"

A/n sorry for the short chapter I haven't really been in a writing mood lately

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