chapter one.

41 5 7

Jacks p.o.v

I flew through the air on my way back to the pole. I had just been checking up on Jamie as he insisted that i came and seen him atleast four or five times a week.

I landed on the crisp white snow of the pole. In the distance i seen bunny shivering in the cold i flew over to him.

"You all right kangaroo?" I laughed and landed in a particularly deep pit of snow to show off to him

"Yes ... I-im f-f-fine" he said while straightening up as if to prove his

"Alright then ...." I said whilst flying up into the air. I landed quietly behind him and pushed him as hard as i could face first into the snow.

"Arghh CURSE YOU JACK" he screamed

I laughed as i flew towards norths workshop

I walked in to find yetis working and elves ... Well doing whatever the hell they do around here. I walked to snows office and knocked on the door

"Ahh you have learned to knock fin- jack vhat are you doing back so early"he said cocking his eyebrow

I flew over and sat on his desk.
"Jamie's mum had to take him somewhere so i left"

"Oh bell tooth has been vondering vhere you vere ... She's been torturing us all day"

I inwardly groaned word has it tooth has this massive crush on me and well i don't feel the same. (This is not a love story between them cause i just don't really like that ) however i fly of to find her anyway.

As i fly over the forest i swoop in and out of the trees having a bit of fun. Until i see something. Its dark and i barely seen it but it looked like a flightmare. Not thinking anything of it i speed after it, i dodge in and out if trees until i reach a clearing. Something about this place doesn't feel right so i lift up my staff ready to fight until i hear it.

That laugh that's like silk but yet can send a chill through your bone. That voice that makes you want to run.

". Hello. .... Jack"

Its pitch ... Pitch is back

I run through the forest banging into trees and getting hit by branches im about to fly off when something grabs the hood of my jacket and pulls me to the ground.

" oh hush hush jack im not going to do anything ... Yet however you know i wouldn't let you go without having a little fun with you first. How about a nightmare. You haven't had one in a while have you jack well you will have to get used to them pretty quick because this time you wont have the power ... Or will for that matter to stop me. Well goodbye jack. Until next time"

He conjures black sand into his hand and plants it into my brain. I don't have time to react Before he disappears

I feel my eyes start to close so i use all the power i can muster to fly as fast as i can to the pole. I burst through the doors as the guardians run towards me. I barely get the words out

" Pitch. Pitch is back"

before i slump forward i see bunny reach out and catch me as im plunged into darkness

OK ok ok i know it escalated fast and it was short but that was just a starter really to kinda let you know whats going on. It will get better i promise. please

Meabh xxx


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