Believe in Me

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I'm always in dark,
Afraid to show my mark.
Feeling I'm not a part,
Of something they call art.

But I'm still living,
To fight and for hoping.
Please for a while stop talking,
In time I am winning.

I am trying my best,
To accomplish my quest.
I dont want any mess,
Please understand, I'm being honest.

Please look and see,
I can be who you want me to be.
I just want you to like me,
I want you to believe in me.

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Author's Note:
For those who can't relate or understand.

I just want to share..
February 2016
I decided to join a poster making contest in school, so I listed my name and planned a design for my poster.
On the day of the contest, a department only needs three contestant but we are four the other one didn't sign up but he's there.
So our president has to make a decision who to remove.
She removed me.
The remaining three knows I can draw and paint but the president don't.
I acted it's ok even though it's not. Deep inside I'm crying.
The outcome, the two made a great drawing while the other who literally took my place didn't do well. I don't have any hate on the other contestant but I have a little on the president.

Just because she don't know what I can do, doesn't mean she has to decide base on what she can see.
She didn't even bother asking the other contestants, that's what a leader is suppose to be, consulting her members not her own.

But that hate didn't last long, it's just a contest.

Now she's not the president anymore and the contestant who won the poster making is planning to join me in again in the contest next year, he's incharge on all the contest in our department.

See.. Even he can trust me..

That's all. Sorry for the drama and thank you for reading.

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Thank you 😊😊😊

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