Revenge of the Spy

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"A fly on the wall..." Miley Cyrus belted out of my alarm.

"Shut up!" I growled in irritation as I chucked it have way across the room. Don't get me wrong, i'm sure Miley is a nice person and everything... but she woke me up. Grudgingly, I scuttled out of bed. Grumpily, I staggered to the mirror and glared at my reflection in alarm. Normally, after a bit of work I'm quite pretty. In the morning it is no laughing matter; I'm totally not a morning person.

Usually, I have long wavy brown hair that curls like a fan to frame my heart shaped face. My eyes are a blazing blue, and my lips are a succulent red. This morning in particular- I looked like I'd just come back from World War 2 in my pyjamas. My hair looked straggly and hung limply past my shoulders. My eyes seemed dull and inattentive. My naturally slim body sunk in neglect and my tanned face looked pale and unmosturized.

I soon got work after my recent observations and cleansed, washed and applied the usual makeup. After I had slicked on the last layer of mascara I scoured the room for my hair brush. Insantly startled I had not found my hair brush in the usual places I looked up at the top of my head and noticed a bird nest of hair piled on top. Darn! I thought. I had to find it, I couldn't go to my school looking like this! You see, at my school we have to keep up an appearance, it ins't a... normal school. It's a school for spies.  Yes I'm a spy, one of the best there is as well. I am extremely proud of that.

I have oftened been told my reflexes and movements are feline. That's why everyone calls me Cat, though my name was originally Catalina. I looked around frantically. Suddenly it dawned on me, in a rage, I had popped it in The Draw. When I say popped I meant thrown. I can get frustrated extremely easily. Some may say I have anger issues... I realized if I wanted to brush my hair into a frenzy, I'd have to open the draw.

As I carefully did so I tried so hard to avoid The Note. The one my parents had left me when...I couldn't help it. As soon as I opened the draw I instantly became drawn to it. The slick paper mounted with stains taunted me cruelly. Without meaning to, I accidentally read snippets all over again:

I'm so sorry...

The reason we have to go is inexplicable but- we're so sorry...

Run Catalina! Never stop running.

I used to have a life before everything- friends and a best friend called Jenny, also her brother was my boyfriend Justin. That soon went away though.. I have since trained to become the best spy I could be to capture the people who forced them to flee and find them too... I broke into a deep sweat with memories, tears filling up in my eyes threatening to ruin my make up. I snatched the hair brush and slammed the draw shut before curling into a ball and rocking softly to calm myself down. I sang the song my parents used to sing to me to help me get to sleep. I loved it:

Row, row, row your boat,Gently down the stream.Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,Life is but a dream.

As soon as I was able to calm myself, I got up and clutched my bag to my stomach ready to venture to S.T.S Snow tree spies, my school. I hopped on my motorcycle, and rode of to school taking in my surroundings with awe. I lived in London but five minutes ride away from the top secret facility I only got to know about after wandering endlessly for days with no food, struck senseless for the shock. The view never ceased to amaze me, I thought comfortingly as I rode along the streets in the early morning time of ten to nine. With time to spare, I halted in front of the school and parked it safely in the driveway.

I trudged up to the receptionist ready to show my ID and announce my arrival when she cut me off. "There's a present for you Cat," she told me smiling slyly. It was signed anonymous and wrapped in Scarlett red my favourite colour.  Oh darn, I thought, it's the day everything happened, the day my life was ruined. It's my birthday.

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