thinking without wishes

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There is no good, and there is no evil. Only power and how it is perceived. Many things are considered good or evil, but they can always have a defending argument that says the opposite. Humans perceive evil and good as harmful, and prosperous. What is good for one may not be good for others. But balance must be kept. For mass good, there must be mass bad, for mass evil there must be mass purity. But who is to decide which is which? Is death evil? Is life? Which is the pure of the two? Our genetic mission on earth is to breed, spread our genes, pass DNA to the next generation. Anything that hinders that is considered evil. Yet we hinder that mission for millions, if not billions of creatures. We call ourselves pure out of pride, because hindering their mission furthers our own. We call them evil for endangering our mission. We call other humans evil, because their genetic code could be passed on before yours, which would cause your passing of the genes to be weaker for a time, than theirs. You call them lower class, build yourself up, so that you have better chances of passing your DNA, all the fancy things, money, pretty cars... it is a form used in the animal world called peacocking. A male peacock has beautiful pretty colors. The brighter, flashier the colors, the more attractive, more likely to pass his DNA. That is the struggle we fight. Why we try so hard to one up each other. So I press, there is no good, or evil. Only power.
And Math is an abstract concept worked on by humans. Other creatures on the planet don't care of its one fish two fish or red fish blue fish. We create all these problems. Even time is an abstract thing. Yes, things get older, and we call it years or hours or days, but once again, humans think of numbers to match the movement of the sun. God may have created us but he made everything else too. We shouldn't try to figure out what the atom of an apple looks like, we are suppose to praise the God who is. But yet we overstep, misuse what power god gave us, we call it for good, others see it as bad. Perception is the cause. Adolf Hitler was a hero to some people, even now he still is, but to others he is a monster who caused millions of deaths, even if he didn't pull the trigger himself. To some, George Washington is the greatest man alive for helping to found the country, Briton called it the rebellion. We called it "modernizing" and the native Americans called it genocide. There are two sides to every coin, but it is a coin none the less. Two sides to every power struggle, yet it is a power struggle like any other, casualties aside.
There is only power. How it is used is subjective. To many, the truth is that you are evil, to many, the truth is you are not. To many, the truth is that I am evil, I am among that claim, but to many I am not. Positive and negative, it is all due to perception. What is negative to you? Me? I caused you pain? That is your perception. Another persons perception is that I taught you a lesion. And you deserved it. In truth, it can be either way. You learned much from me, even if it was something you don't want to admit. Or maybe it's that you cant trust most people. Perspective is power also, but in a different sense. But yet still power. At the moment, we both control major clans, we say jump they jump. That is a form of power. Another power is gaining their trust or sympathy, power. Untapped power, but power. Eb and flow of power is a balance. In a year none of us will care about the problems over the pact. In a month I won't care about much of anything. Our power will change and our flowers will fall, winter will come and smooth the face if the earth once more. There is a super volcano under Yellowstone national park that is 5000 years late for eruption, and when it does, the USA will be destroyed and ash will cover half the earth. It could happen today, or tomorrow, or the next day. It is an untapped power. Negative? To humans, because it will counter our mission to breed and pass our DNA, many will die, and it will be difficult for us to climb back up the food chain. But it is a natural power that happens, such has it been and such it will be again. In truth, we as humans are insignificant. We blunder around and claim truth and power, but we impact so very little, insignificant but we claim power to control or enfluence. What is the truth there? Are we rulers? Or are we children of America who are struggling to one up each other for reasons that don't matter?

Does that make me chaotic neutral?

Rage Thoughts, To Keep Your Mind Going. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora