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Kagome's POV:

It's such a beautiful day today. It's been about a year since I left my time and came to this time.

Even though I miss everyone there I have no regrets in the decisions I made. I would of like to tell Hojo, Eri, Ayumi, and Yuka about everything that happened During my junior high year but I know that they wouldn't believe me, understand, or find me to dangerous or weird and not want to be my friends any more. And I would of loved to have Mom, Sota and Grandpa me my wedding and our son.

That's right you heard me. Me and Inuyasha had a son. His name is Masaru.

But before I descride my son I should probably tell you something else. You see a few months after I married Inuyasha some how I also became half dog demon. like him. Except I have black dog ears. We don't know how it happened but right know I don't really care. It just means that i will be able to live about just as long as Inuyasha and we can grow old together. I mean, I will be sad when Miroku, Sango, Lady Kaede, and everyone else i know who are human will die. But I know I will have Inuyasha with me every step of the way.

Oh, and it seems like Sesshomaru and Inuyasha have a half sister. Just like with Sessohamru and Inuyasha, share the same father but have different mothers. Her name is Claudia Fullbuster, I was actually surprised she had a last name. She is half demon just like Inuyasha and have the same hair and eye color. She wears an outfit that has a style that looks like a mixture of Sesshomaru's clothes and Inuyasha's. She is also the queen of dimensions. I that the royel dimenstional family was just a legend but they are actually real.

We met her when one day after me and Inuyasha got married and Sesshomaru came for a quick visit she just walked up to us and asked if Inuyasha was here. As soon at the dog demon brothers saw her they just know it was their long lost sister. After they were done hugging her and Sesshomaru actually showing a tiny smile they introduced her to me.

I found out she was Sesshomaru's younger sister and Inuyasha's older sister.

She then told us why she was gone so long. She said that after Inuyasha was sealed to the sacred tree Sesshomaru's mom, Inukimi, turned her back into a baby and sent her back to her mother in a different dimension. And also errasing her memories she made here. Claudia said she didn't even know she was a half demon and their dad's name. It wasn't until a few years ago she got them back and now at the age of 23.

Inuyasha asked why she didn't come back then. She then said she still had to do thing before coming and were scared to coming thinking that her brothers would hate her or forgot her too. They said they wouldn't after she told them why she was gone and why she didn't come back right away.

After catching up and Claudia telling them some of her adventure she had in different dimensions. And the horrible second childhood she had. She introduced up to her husband, Josh, and their children. First they oldests Akari (now 15 years old), she had adopted them when they were about 17 along with her younger brother, Kentaro (11 years old) and younger sister, Mio (8 years old). (Ages of their adoption was 9, 5, and 2.)

They then introduced their birth children. The first born, their son Ace Sabo Fullbuster (3 years old). They said he was named after two men who were Claudia's Older brothers by bond that one had passed and the other was thought to be dead but was alive. (Only people who watched one piece would understand, ish) Then the triplets, Yumi, Yuki, and Yuri (few months old). The triplets have the same color hair and ears as their mom, but share their Father's eyes. The three each had a piece of jelwery that had what seemed to be a tooth. Jost then told us those are Claudia's teeth. It is what help keep the evil whole demon inside of them sealed. He also said it is baced of Claudia's.

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