Chapter 1-Misunderstood

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"Ring, ring, ring, CLASH!" The final bell of the school day rang out, signal the students freedom. Papers being shuffled into folders and chairs being pushed back carelessly filled the room. As I walked out I kept my head down, and my books close to my chest. Maybe then they wouldn't notice me. Just then a hand snagged out of the crowd and grabbed the back of my hood. That hand handed me out of the classroom and slammed me into the wall. Crap. They saw me.

" Thought you could slip by unnoticed, huh?" A nasty voice asked me. I didn't move.

"Huh?" It said again as I was yanked around to face my bully. I came face to face with Theresa Adams. The schools popular mean girl, and 'school president'. She had only won by being so popular.

" I couldn't hear you! Say it one more time for me doll?" Ugh I hated it when she called me doll.

" OMG! I forgot your a mute!" She said with a fake sweetness, and an almost as equaly fake laugh. Theresa hadn't forgot. She did this to me everyday, and always in front of a bunch of people. The crowd around me began to form a circle, almost as if we were in a boxing wrong. Only I had an unfair disadvantage. I looked down at my feet and felt my hood being grabbed once more. I was yanked around and just as I looked up I saw my face collide with the locker. Ow. I felt warm drops on my legs. Those drops were blood. My blood. I reached up and felt my nose. It was bloody. I also had a split lip, some cuts on my face, and forehead, and my left eye hurt like heck. I was sure it would be a black eye later. Just as Theresa grabbed me once more a voice rang out:

"Hey! Leave her alone bullies!" I looked up to see a small kid I barely knew,  push his way into the center of the circle. Theresa snorted and dropped me to the ground.

" And what are you going to do about it?" Theresa asked,  as she cracked her knuckles and laughed menacigly. She really is a witch,  I'm telling you.

"I'll...I'll...I'll,"  the kid stammered before he balls due his fists and aimed a punch at Theresa. Theresa easily grabbed his wrist, deflecting his blow,  and picked him up by the back of his shirt. She threw him onto the ground and kicked him in the gut a few times,  for good measure. She stepped on his fingers,  and they made and awful cracking sound. She kicked him in the back of the head and in the back,  and kicked him in the sides. Poor kid. He will probably have badly bruised ribs at the least,  or even a few broken ones. The kid curled up in a ball and wrapped his hands around his knees. I wanted to scream stop,  to stand up for myself and for the kid,  but I couldn't. I couldn't even tell him thank you. I couldn't even ask for his name. All I knew was that he was in my math class. He was smart,  but he looked a little weak. And yet he still stood up for me.  He was my knight in shining armour, even though I barely even knew him. A true hero.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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