Chapter one:

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Alice POV:

"Have a great first day a school hunny!" My mom shouts out side the car window where everyone can here. Great another embarrassing moment from my mother, this happens almost everyday of every school year. I shut the car door and rushed out before anyone can see she's actually my mother.
I stroll into first period: English my favorite subject :/ < hint my Sarcasm.
I sat in the middle of the class so I wouldn't be the nerd who sits in the very front or the kid who doesn't care about class and sits in the back.
As more people came into the class I didn't know anyone. Well I'm a shy person on the outside but on the inside I'm a psychopath. But I was waiting for my best friend, Lena.
I sighed knowing she wouldn't be in my class because we never had a class together since 6th grade except for lunch.

As the day went on, still no classes with Lena, it's been pretty boring because all we did was the school rules and the class rules since it's the first day.
I walked into my last class, History , great it's not like I'm already tired. I put my hand on my head in boredom as I already heard these rules since last year.
In the middle of the class, someone bursts through the door, Lena.

"SIR, I AM SO SORRY I AM LATE I GOT REALLY LOST ABOUT WHERE YOUR CLASS WAS SO I WENT TO ALMOST ALL THE HISTORY CLASSES TILL I WOUNDED UP HERE" Lena dramatically said out of breathe like she just ran a mile. She starred around the class to see who's in it and her eyes landed on me.

"ALICEEEEEEEEEEEE" she screamed running to the empty desk next to me. We started to have a full blown conversation about today.

"LADIES" Our teacher shouted and pointed to the board.

"Sorry" we both mumbled.

*after school*

"TODAY WAS SOOOO BORING" Lena groaned throwing herself on my bed.

"I know but HEY we have a class together finally!" I said in excitement sitting down in my spinning chair.

"Hey lets go on Omegle!" Lena jumped up and grabbed my computer.

"You don't know what on there Lena" I warned her.

"Don't worry just put in a nice category" she insisted.

She typed in : Younow

A white boy appeared on the screen, he looks around 14 to like 15. But the only concerning thing was he was holding a baby doll by its leg.

"Hey what's your name" Lena asked the kid.

"Bob Ducan" he laughed.

"Wow Wheres Charlie" I asked laughing. That was a great show to be honest.

"She been REPLACED by Betty Wap " he dramatic said zooming in on the baby's face.

Lena and I busted out laughing. We've figured out his name is Weston Koury and he's like famous on YouNow and stuff.
When Lena had to leave, Weston and I have been talking for hours now.

A/N heyyyyy guys so this IS NOT a Weston Koury fan fic I swear Mario is coming in laterrrr but vote and comment if you want me to continue!!! And if you love Mario follow my
Mario account on Instagrma : @ highkeypoms

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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