Jovinda and Noni Part 2

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The day after they got back home in the richer quarter of Bluehave a bouquet of flowers came addressed to Jovinda, the most beautiful girl at the King's banquet. It was signed Nonimissalloran of House Diplomat.

Jovinda was delighted with the thought that Noni had remembered her, and especially as the most beautiful girl at the banquet. She told Salor, who laughed and told her that she had soon forgotten her ambitions of being queen.

Jovinda looked at her and smiled. 'Oh, I've not forgotten that,' she said. 'Can't I enjoy the flattery of a handsome elf as well?'

But it was not just that. Noni came to call on her a few days later. The two went for a walk in a park not far away from Jovinda's home. Jovinda found that she liked the elf more and more, and as the day wore on, it became obvious that the feeling was returned.

She could hardly believe that such a handsome man as Noni was could be interested in her. She talked to Salor about him until the other girl said. 'It seems you have now forgotten about marrying Prince Gerim, them.'

'Oh, that was just a silly girl's pipe dream. Noni is so much better than any prince could be.'

'Are you sure it's not just his difference that attracts you?'

'Oh, Salor, how can you say such a thing. He's handsome, witty, kind, interesting and oh, everything a girl could wish for.'

But that was not what her parents thought. One day Ellire called Jovinda into the drawing room.

'Jo, dear,' said her mother, 'Please sit down. I must talk to you.'

Ellire looked so serious that Jovinda thought that someone must be sick or even have died.

'What is it, Mother?' she queried as she sat in a comfortable chair opposite Ellire.

'We must talk about that young man, Noni, dear.'

Jovinda was on her guard immediately. What was her mother going to say? They liked Noni, she knew, and while they had not exactly encouraged their friendship, they had not prevented the pair from seeing each other. She waited to see what was coming next.

'While it seemed the pair of you were just friends we had no worries about you seeing each other, but recently it looks to both your father and me that you are becoming more than just friends.'

'And what if we are? He loves me, Mother, and I him.'

Ellire sighed as tears came into her eyes.

'Darling,' she said, 'this cannot be. You are human and he's an elf.'

Jovinda pressed her lips together and clenched her fists.

'Don't tell me you're objecting because he's different? He may be an elf and have had a different background and upbringing, but we agree on so many things. We're friends as well as lovers. We laugh at the same things, get angry at the same things, enjoy the same things...'

'Jo, Jo, I'm not against him personally. I think he's a very nice man, and if he were anything other than an elf I would not hesitate to agree to your relationship, but he is an elf.'

'What difference does that make?' retorted her daughter.

'Quite a lot, actually. Elves live very long lives. I'm not quite sure how long, but some say nine hundred years. Humans live for seventy or eighty at the most. Darling, you will be an old, old woman while Noni is still young. Do you think he, a young man, will want to stay with an old woman?'

'He will. We've talked about this Mother. He's promised he won't abandon me when I get old. He says he'll love me forever. Do you and Father not love one another even though you are both getting old?'

Ellire laughed. 'Hardly old, dear. I'm only forty and your father forty-four. Anyway, we are both growing old together. That makes a big difference.'

'Does it? What about Indro Manibrow? He left his wife for a younger woman only last year.'

Ellire sighed again. 'Your father and I are both in agreement that this must end before you get hurt, and get hurt you will if it goes on. It cannot be allowed to get to the point where marriage is being considered. You must not see Noni again, Jovinda.'

At that, Jovinda burst into tears and fled to her room, threw herself onto her bed and sobbed herself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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