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Hello There!

My (pen)name is Erikksen, and I thought I would take a stab at writing a fanfiction. I wrote two once when I was like, 12, and they are terribad. To be honest, I think they're still up on If you want do read them, (I don't know why you would), they're entitled House of Hades Fanfic, and Pirate Girl in Rome. I just checked. They're both still up with their terrible formatting. Seriously. Why. Ow, my black heart hurts.

Soto anyone concerned, (Myra_Luna ), I'm likely not going to switch over to fanfiction. The main reason I'm writing this is because it seems like a good writing excersize. I love Harry Potter, and the head cannon is really interesting. This book is where I'm going to test out different writing styles, and practice showing instead of telling, which is something I'm awful at.

Thusly, I present to you, James Potter and The Herd of Small Children.

Love you, and remember; Stay strange!

James Potter and the Herd of Small ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now