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It was a cold and quiet night in the Meyers household, and everyone was asleep. Well the parents were, but 7 year old Stacey Meyers was wide awake, shaken, after a frightening nightmare. Stacey shared a room with her little brother, Alec, who was four years old, and her parents shared a room next door. Her parents told her she would get her own room when she turned 13 since she didn't stop complaining about how annoying Alec was and how he was always crying and waking her up. Right now she was wishing she had her own room now because Alec was on her side of the bed and it was really annoying her.

She was coming up with all these different arguments that would somehow convince her parents to let her have her own room, when her thoughts got interrupted by some voices outside. That's funny, she didn't remember mommy telling her any friends were coming over, especially in the middle of the night! Thinking about it, she realized she didn't recognize these voices! Maybe these were strangers? She remembered her mom telling her to never talk to strangers, and that strangers were dangerous! Stacey was scared out of her wits. She got out of bed, slowly and carefully, as to not make any floorboards creak, and crept up to the window. There she saw three hooded figures, all dressed in black, right in front of the front door. She was studying them, when one of the cloaked figures looked up to the window where she was at, and she had to duck down to avoid being seen. But she wasn't sure she ducked down in time, and she was scared they would come for her.

 So, in a hurry, she shook Alec awake and told him to be quiet because strangers were here, and told him to pack all of his essentials. She took 2 daypacks from the closet, shoved some food from underneath the bed where she kept emergency midnight feast food, took a bunch of clothing from the drawers for both of them, and put them all into the daypacks. Then, she went over to her brother, and stared in disbelief at the selection of items her brother had laid out. There was a mountain of toys, some books and some Legos.

"This is what you pack for running away?! Too much stuff!!!" Stacey whispered/yelled

"I wanna bwing everything though!!!!" Alec replied not bothering to be quiet.

"Shhhh, hurry, you're not bringing those things! If you want you can bring ONE toy, and maybe a book but chose right NOW." she said

Alec chose a small dark brown stuffed teddy bear and a storybook, and gave it to Stacey to put in his bag.

"Fine, let's go now!"

She looked down through the front window and didn't see the strangers outside! The door was left wide open! She heard footsteps downstairs and knew they could not leave through the front door. She glanced around the room for another exit, and saw the back window.

"Alec! The window!" she exclaimed.

She ran to the window, and unlocked it, pulling it wide open so there was enough space for the two of them to climb out of the window. They were on the second floor, so it was possible to climb down from the second story. She tossed one of the bags to her brother and they put both bags on their backs.

"Alec I'm going to go down first ok? Then you go. Be careful ok?"

Alec nodded hesitantly.

She put her legs over the windowsill, and grabbed one of the dark green vines that covered the cottage. Then, quickly and carefully, she started to lower herself to the ground little by little, until her feet were standing on the grass.

Then it was Alec's turn.

Alec also swung his legs over the windowsill, and grabbed the same vine. But, as he was climbing down, the vine suddenly broke, and he was falling! Stacey jumped right in time to catch him, and he slammed into her with a big "OW!".

They were a tangled heap on the ground, and by the time they got up, they could hear the intruders on the second floor.

"Alec, we have to leave now! We'll come back later!" Stacey said

"B-B-But Where awe we going to go?" Alec asked/cried, scared.

Stacey looked around for anyone that could help them, but they lived next to a forest and there was no one in sight.

"Maybe we could go to neighbour Sally?!" Stacey asked hopefully.

"I-I thought she went away!" Alec said disagreeing.

"Oh right, on holiday... But I-I don't know where to... Oh wait! We could go in the forest like Hansel and Gretel and we could find a nice house and cook the witch and live there until we can get back!" She said, sure that was the answer.

Alec shrugged.

"Then let's go!" She said

They turned their backs on their sweet little cottage, and started walking towards the woods, ready for an adventure.

Little did they know, that was the last time they ever set foot into it again as one big family.

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